I Understand Why "No Guest Profile Photo"

Level 10
Vermont, United States

I Understand Why "No Guest Profile Photo"

I am great supporter of knowing who will be entering my little Rusty Cottage in Vermont, and as a host I would love to have a face to the name of the person who is inquiring on booking. I have been hosting on airbnb for several years now and have found out that even with a profile photo the person on the picture may look totally different when they arrive, for example many profile pictures that guests use are when they were in a social function weddings or other events or they used a younger picture of themselves, so my point is that even with a profile picture what you see is not always what you are going to get.

Fortunatly all of my guests have been great eventhough the profile photo they used was of an earlier or different version of themselves.

So that being said I do understand why airbnb has changed the guest profile photo policy, just about all companys make decisions based on the feedback they receive from customers (in this case guests), I am sure that airbnb put this policy in place because of the enourmous amount of discrimination calls and complaints from guests, either real or imagined the numbers of complaints were there for airbnb to make this decision, which they new was going to be overwhelmingly unpopular with hosts.

I am spanish living in the U.S.A. for over 53 years, and have had to deal with discrimination all my life, no matter how subtle it is or was, So I do understand and applaud companys when they make decisions to say NO to discrimination no matter how unpopular the decision is going to be.

I do know that airbnb hears you through this community forum and the company in the past has had implemented change based on your comments and suggestions, I just ask that with this change in guest profile picture, we all understand the big picture of discrimination commend airbnb on their decision and give a chance with this change.

For I am sure this no guest profile picture will frustrate and eventually weed out the hosts from airbnb who practice bigotry and discrimination.

I do know my stance on this subject is going to be unpopular, and there are going to be few thumbs up, however if you have read this hopefully you will have a new understanding of why this change was made to airbnb guest profile photo.


54 Replies 54
Level 10
Vermont, United States

@Patricia55  Do come, I will leave the light on for you:)

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Discrimination happens to hosts as well.


May I ask, Do potential guests get to see Hosts personal image photos prior to booking?


I've often wondered about that and why hosts have there facial images on there profiles as shown in here.



@Helen, I have clicked on hosts profile photos recently and when it brings me to their profile page I get the generic first letter of their name as well. Not all but some so they may be making it universal eventually. But all users have a choice of whether to upload a picture of themselves or not, as you are a flower. But on my little computer screen you look like a starfish 🙂

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

before booking

we can't see guest's reviews - but guests can see ours

we can't see guest's profile photo - but guests can see ours

we can't see guest's name - but guests can see our properties location and interior (often exterior too)


In the name of no discrimination how about hiding the host's profile photo and property photo gallery and reviews too?  🙂 Let's all be blind chickens hehe

@Branka-and-Silvia0  I like it!! Blind chickenbnb 🙂


@Branka-and-Silvia0, can you really not see guest's reviews?

you should be able to see reviews.

Level 3
Tepoztlán, Mexico

Hi Ruben, I agree with you that discrimination should be dealt with at all levels.  However in this particular case with the no-photo policy, I suspect Airbnb are trying to get more and more hosts who are not on Instant Booking to make the switch.  If as is said that Airbnb knew there would be a backlash from the vast majority, or so it seems, of hosts not on Instant Booking, then they took a calculated risk - they will lose many hosts who don’t want and will never want IB- natural wastage perhaps from the Airbnb viewpoint.  But a risk worth taking for them.  Personally I believe the policy to be a mistake in the long run - other  platforms may well spring up - and hopefully one more sensitive to hosts.  

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Rubén16   I don't think it has anything to do with discrimination issues- I think that's a smokescreen. It's about the push to make it absolutely effortless for guests to book. 

You should take a read through this thread- from a host/guest who is in a demographic that often is discriminated against.  https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/Horrible-And-Dangerous-New-Profile-Pic-Policy/m-p/924466...

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Hi @Rubén16. I read your post and appreciate your thoughts and stance on them. 

However, my thoughts and opinions takes in both sides of the story for safety and security. Something “classic Airbnb” hosts are dealing with daily, just like guests.


if the review system is improved and the response to discrimination is truly investigated ( not implied and believed by Airbnb) with consequences to bigoted/discriminating hosts and guests alike... the platform will improve dramatically.


I would in many circles be considered a privileged woman of white skin, but I would not like my safety, or the safety of any guest put at risk. Let’s allow the prebooking communication to continue, and the opportunity for guests and hosts alike to decline a booking after the chats, without penalty.


No matter what was our skin tone, racial and religious beliefs. I do host LGBTI and guests of all nationalities and religions. I have friends from the same diversity. Like @Sarah977 & @Branka-and-Silvia0, @Ricardo & Daniel have reiterated.


Let’s  just keep the screening and review system robust and keep everyone safe. It’s not right to be forcing hosts to not have choices, by backing them into a corner, forcing them to instant book their listings. I do, but that is totally my choice. This platform is about choices, otherwise we would choose many other rental platforms.

Level 10
New York, NY

@Rubén16 Thank you for this!  I agree with you 100%.  I don't care about the profile picture.  My own profile pictures are not 100% up to date, and on social media and other public platforms I would never show my face close up without sunglasses on.  I doubt most of my guests have looked like their profile pictures.  I instead read the tone of the message exchange and, of course, my instant book settings require ID and reviews from other hosts.  I haven't had a real problem in 4 years.


If this move reduces discrimination, I'm all for it.  


Do potential guests discriminate against hosts whose profile photos are shown?  I don't know, but if they do - do you really want someone like that as your guest?  


People make decisions on where to stay based on several factors.  They look at the pictures of the listing.  They read the reviews.  And they consider the price and location.  If some idiot decides he doesn't like the look of me, that's great news.  When I book as a guest, the host profile picture doesn't come into my decision at all.  


Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Please, read this.




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@Ricardo85 Thanks, I had read it after I posted.  The writer made really compelling points and it really gave me pause!  It's frightening to think of such scenarios.  I do honestly think it was an attempt to forestall discrimination.  


exactly my first thought when I read about this new policy.

Level 10


@Rubén16, @Ricardo85



Under the old conditions, when hosts could see the profile-pics prior to the reservation, a racist host could discriminate a black guest by not renting to him.


This isn't possible any more and the result will be, that the black guest is staying at a place run by a racist host who hates him.


Great result.