I am giving a discount for first time guests. Make it stop!

Level 2
Elk Ridge, UT

I am giving a discount for first time guests. Make it stop!

I am sure it was my fault but I am now giving a discount for anyone who books with us for the first time.  I don't want to give a discount and I can see anywhere I can make it stop. It's not the special pricing option, it's something different.  How do I make it stop?


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Boston, MA

@Brett-and-Lynda0, I looked at your listing and it seems only room 4 now has the 15% discount offer. Maybe each of the other three listings has now gone through the discount process (and although it seems like a lot of discounts, maybe it's really only been one per listing).... anyway, it looks to me like it will stop once someone has booked room 4 before December 10!


Looks like a great place to stay, by the way.  Do you know Utah Trike? I think they are in Payson - maybe you could let them know about your palatial listing for people who come to buy a trike from them (from all over the US, by the way! they are famous...)! Print up some business cards or small flyers.... Good luck!

Hi Susie,


Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I have seen Utah Trike, they are down on main street. What a small world. Thanks again for your input.