I'd like to require bookings across all days of an event

Level 1
Armadale, Australia

I'd like to require bookings across all days of an event

Hi there, 


There's a big event coming to my city in March, and I'd like to know if there's a setting I can turn on that requires any bookings that cross the start date to extend at least to the end date. I'd also like to force it that anyone wanting one or more of the event days has to take all of the event days.


For instance, the event starts on Wednesday 21 March, and finishes on Sunday March 25. I don't want somebody booking Thursday and Friday, which means I'll miss out on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Equally, I don't want somebody making a booking which starts the week before ending in the middle of this event week. 


Does that make sense? And can it be done?

Many thanks in advance.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


it can be done. Uh.. Airbnb is changing layouts every day and we are like blind chickins clicking arround to find the page we need 😞   I hope I'll show you the right way. 


Go to your calendar , click on availability settings / trip lenght/ add new rule/ then in the first drop down list choose last option: certain dates / from March 21st to 26th/ min stay = 5 days

you can also set on which days guest has to check in 

You can set which days guests can not check in if you go to host/ listings/ see all calendars (or something like that) and then you will se a popup to set new rules

Hey thanks so much for that. It worked a treat. 

And yeah, it’s tough to keep up with Airbnb’s changes. Just when I find out how to do something they change it!