I want to change Goverment ID

Level 2
Athens, Greece

I want to change Goverment ID

I have lost my Government id and i'm going to change it right now

I'm a superhost and i have upcoming reservations .

Can i do it right now ?

Delete my previus government id and put the new one ?

Thank you

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Dimitris1,


Don't remove your current ID yourself as the help section on ID says that your upcoming reservations will be cancelled if you remove your ID photo.


The biggest benefit of uploading ID is not the ID itself but the fact that a host was willing to do it.

Guests never see your ID but they can be happier with a host when they see that a host is ID verified.

Airbnb will still be able to hand your old ID information to authorities if there is a problem so I wouldn't be worried about updating it on the site.


If you really do wish to update it you should contact Airbnb customer support.

Click on "Help" and then on "Visit the help centre" and then on "Contact us" for ways to do that.



this article says:


Updating or removing your photos

90 days after you complete your most recent booking, you can remove your government ID photo by visiting your Edit Profile page. If you remove your ID photo, any upcoming reservations will be canceled.

If I remove the ID and the booking is canceled, do I get a full refund?


As a guest, not a host, I mean.