IB rank higher? Email from Airbnb contrary info

IB rank higher? Email from Airbnb contrary info

Hi, I received an email from Airbnb saying I could rank higher if I chose IB. But it's all a bit contrary, if not downright confusing:

Am I missing something here or is this confusing and misleading CAN to MAY, IF and NOT to UNLESS?  



1.  The email says:  "Penalty-free cancellations.  You CAN cancel penalty-free if you’re ever uncomfortable with a reservation or a guest’s behavior."    

However when I go to the policy page it says:

"Hosts who use Instant Book MAY be able to cancel penalty-free IF they have concerns about the reservation or a guest’s behavior. Calendar inaccuracy, confusion about pricing or availability, AND extenuating circumstances are not covered by this policy."

2.  The last part says that " extenuating circumstances are NOT covered by this policy." 

But, further down it says   "Unless there are extenuating circumstances, there are no exceptions to this host cancellation policy."


Any thoughts? Am I missing something?

12 Replies 12
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

It's all a bit of a grey area - and many hosts have been caught out by the wording and lack of clarity. 


The golden rule is never to cancel - if you want to do so then contact AirBnB and get them to do it for you, telling them the reasons why you wish to do so.



@Gerry-And-Rashid0  Thanks, but what a pain, especially as IB seems to have a lot of glitches and people appear to get bookings that do not conform to the parameters they have set - I have had that in the past when I did it for a brief few days.  Plus, from my experience you get a different interpretation of the policy depending on who answers the phone, the support team seem as confused as the hosts. It's frustrating, especially when it could as simple as a click of a button - if the rules/parameteres were clear.  Contradictory statements and hazy policy just wastes a hosts time.  I know that the other choice is not to do IB but that choice is penalized with a drop in ranking.

Level 10
Rhinebeck, NY

I, too, received this email, @Ange2, and wondered if it went out to every host. I had the exact same reaction as you did, and have chosen to keep IB OFF.


Fortunately, I live in a strong demand market, with a relatively low choice of Airbnb properties. But after searching as a guest in a major city with hundreds of competitors, I can see how a lower placement could completely end your business. 


I remain uneasy by this push to pressure us to use IB. I have never used IB, and have had nothing but a string of wonderful guests. I can only believe that all the horror stories one reads about on these forums, all came about because of IB. A little bit of conversation goes a long way.


So what do you plan to do, @Ange2, in response to the email you received? And wondering if everyone received this email last week strongly suggesting the use of IB, citing that to not do so will lower your search place.



@Jude7   I, too, have had a vast majority of great guests. For places where the host doesn’t live IB might work to their advantage, but I live here.  I feel between a rock and a hard place. I have tried IB and it made no difference to the amount of bookings I received and it was a pain as guests were able to book who didn't fulfill requirements or hadn't read the description. 

Now that Airbnb seem to have changed all their algorithms to favor hosts who accept IB  I might do it as an experiment to see if it makes a difference.  But, when I reach my limit of 3 $$$-free cancellations, (although who knows if a host is penalized in other ways for cancellations for the first 3, ranking for example) I will turn it off.   I'll let you know.

Correction to 3-times cancel free -  I have been unable to verify this much talked about policy

If anyone has a link to IB '3' time cancellation free policy please let me know. 


Re:  "3 free cancellation policy for IB".  I can only find this (below) when I click the link on IB policy for cancellations - it does not mention 3 anywhere. It looks like the normal policy for reservations, not a special policy related to IB.

"More than 7 days before check-in:

The cancellation fee will be waived for your first cancellation within a 6-month period.

Then, for every additional cancellation within that 6-month period, you'll be charged $50 per cancellation.


Within 7 days of check-in: Airbnb charges a $100 fee for any reservation canceled within 7 days of check-in."

@Ange2 sorry, 2 cancelations penalty free in one year, not 3. My mistake. So, If you cancell more than 1 guest in 6 months you will pay 50 $. 


My guest made last minute booking, the same day as he intend to arrive. He booked at noon and has to arrive at 8-9 PM . I called ABB and they cancelled the reservation arround 7 PM and said that they will take care of him. All penalty free for me. I had IB turned on, I am not sure if I could do that if I approved his reqest and then canged my mind. I think it is for instant book only but please research if you have time. English is not my native language and I find it difficult to read legal documents, policies etc



@Branka-and-Silvia0   Thank you,  really appreciate you taking time to respond with examples.   This is a  tough one, unfortunately the rules keep changing, I have seen the 3-time penalty free rule mentioned by other hosts so maybe is was a option at  one point.  I guess I will have to wait and see what the rules are, if and when I decide to do IB and I have to cancel.  Best, Ange

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

"Penalty-free cancellations.  You CAN cancel penalty-free if you’re ever uncomfortable with a reservation or a guest’s behavior." ---- This is true but you can cancell just 3 guests in one year penalty free and you should contact Airbnb, explain why you have concerns about that guest and then they will cancel . And to be able to do it you should have IB sent ON.

(been there done that )





The email says:  "You CAN cancel penalty-free if you’re ever uncomfortable with a reservation or a guest’s behavior."  

The policy says:  "You MAY BE ABLE TO cancel penalty-free if you have concerns about the reservation or a guest’s behavior."  


There is a huge difference between 'can' and 'may be able to'. Many people have said guests have been allowed to IB who do not meet their requirements or limitations. That I have to pay to cancel guests like this, if it's more than 3 a year, is absurd.

@Ange2 I think that what stays in email doesn't count, important is what is written in policy. 

Max 3 per year is what they told me on the phone. I had no problem with canceling the guy because he had bed reviews from 2 previous hosts.

I have IB turned on because Airbnb is not responsable for any damage some guest did at your apartment if you don't have IB on and if you accepted his request. It is written somewhere in their policy I don't remember exactly where...


@Branka-and-Silvia0   I don't understand this:  "I have IB turned on because Airbnb is not responsable for any damage some guest did at your apartment if you don't have IB on and if you accepted his request. It is written somewhere in their policy I don't remember exactly where..."


Do you mean that Airbnb is not responsible for damage by guests if you don't allow IB ?

@Ange2 I think I read something like that few months ago when I started with Airbnb and doing research. There are some differences if the guest made instant book or you accepted his request. I don't remember exactly but after that I turned Instant booking on 😞