I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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Dear hosting community,
Am I the only one that feels that the combined pressure on turning on Smart Pricing & Instant Book is kind of a way in which AirBnB is mobbing hosts?
I am very fed up with it.
Sure, turn on features that may be good for some. Sure focus your business on guests - that's where you get your money from indeed.
But the way the website is designed feels very coercive and manipulative.
My main listing has been off both features for years and I have been doing perfectly fine.
I have just added a new listing and i have been appalled at how manipulative the creation process was.
Back off airBnB!!
Hello @Andrea1168,
This is not worth getting upset about. As you say, you're doing perfectly fine, so just click on the right box, and take care of your guests.
It's just part of an evolving system.
Oh my god, the level of condescension oozing out of your post.
Who and what are you to silence people in that way? Yes, let's bow over to corporations and never question their doings. Keep quiet and march on.
I am keeping it polite, but kindly either apologize or go bring your ideas somewhere else.
Dear Andrea,
I agree wholeheartedly with your original post, but your reply to @Kimberly54 is beyond reprehensible. That dear sweet woman has nothing to apologize for. Santa has a list, and you're on it.
you seem a rude narcissist. Poor people who have been your guest.
It is a new day, one in which now requires the added skill of being able to - 'Ignore' - the constant noise.
Besides, this hustling comes from a computer, which won't take your ignoring it personably. 🙂
I will respectfully disagree.
I am not worried about myself that much, I have designed computer systems in the past and know how to get around them.
I am more worried about new hosts with less agency, less knowledge and less experience and therefore much easier to push around.
The end result: lower prices and lower barriers for guests everywhere - and the hosts get screwed. It starts to sound like Uber driver stories.
They will learn the ways, as we all have had to. Let us hope. Thankfully, many come here to this forum and will get educated quickly.
Are you sure it's from a computer? I get the impression it comes from some Flannel wearing Latte sipper.
But I could be wrong.
Hi @Andrea1168. I do understand your frustration, but each host has to learn their ways. Airbnb used to have an idea, now some of it is gone for ever. And as the other hosts have said, the forum here helps many take the right path in hosting.
On the other hand, I'm currently in another country and had a few discussions with my brother, an avid traveller. His words, "when I am to negotiate for a week just to stay for 2 days, it's not worth my time." So you've got the answer why Airbnb pushes so much towards Instant Book - if one wants to plan a tour, they will not spend a few days just to learn the host will not put them up anyway.
@Marzena4 Nailed IT! We live in a society ruled by instant gratification. We want it as fast as possible and we want it RIGHT NOW! I don’t want to do a ‘back and forth’ dance either when I’m booking.
@Fred13 Makes a great point too about the learning curve. You learn quick but like the line from Cool Hand Luke ‘It seems what we have here is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach’.
How many times do you have to get punched in the face before you flinch?
How many times do you get punched in the face before you duck?
I don’t have enough pretty to get punched in the face a lot, so I learn to duck and move quick.
All that aside, you @Andrea1168 are the only one that should apologize here. @Kimberly54 Has enough knowledge about STRs, she could be a paid consultant and if she is, I’m not aware and no disrespect.
Maybe a round of testosterone therapy might help you not be so ‘moody’ @Andrea1168.
You guys start sounding like a cult, lol.
Or are you simply on AirBnB's payroll?
@Andrea1168 You have issues far beyond smart pricing and no amount of instant book or any other thing YOU CONTROL on Airbnb is going to fix that for you.
Your attempts to belittle and besmirch your fellow Hosts screams inferiority complex.
I am sooooooo down to be on the Airbnb payroll. Send me a job offer today to consider but at this time all money I get from Airbnb is from bookings not payroll.
I’ll give it to you the Kansas way, it’s time to put on your big boy undies. No more pooping in your pants and no more Mummy hoisting your legs in the air cleaning it for you.
Take control of your situation and stop crying like a female dog. That’s it.
‘You know it’s hard out here for a Host’
on a way more important note, I only have three beers in the fridge and the store closes at 4 today. In other words, I have more important things to do.
"I have more important things to do" - the only intelligent thing you said today and the only point on which we agree.
“ Mummy! Fix my instant book! Booo hoooooo hoooo”