Instant Book's latest glitch!

Level 10
Suzhou, China

Instant Book's latest glitch!

Ok, shoppers, here's what I've recently discovered with regard to how IB (Instant Book) and the recent changes to the government ID requirements may have created a conflict in search results.

I know some in the community think IB anathema, so for you good souls, read no further 😉

Upon doing some research (including a less than useful call to customer service regarding an issue with my listing's poor search results and consequent low viewing stats), I have discovered that there is currently a conflict in how Instant Book and the "Government ID Required" protocols correlate, namely:

1. If you have IB activated, and require prospective guests to provide government ID, then there is the potential that IB will NOT appear in your listing's search results. Even if your own settings show quite clearly that IB is turned ON, this is NOT necessarily the case when it comes to search parameters. This may not be the case for all listings, however.

2. If you switch off the government ID requirement in your IB listing requirements, you will have miraculously reactivated your IB status (which wasn't turned off to begin with) and you may very well receive an email congratulating for adopting Instant Book! (Which I got - I'm so proud!)

Now, I'm aware that this raises the spectre of deregulating unvetted and undocumented guests to book via IB if you should choose to disable the Gov. ID option, so to this I say: caveat emptor...


So, head's up and happy IB'ing!


19 Replies 19
Level 10
Reston, VA

I have verified one instance of the search difference here in the Mid-Atlantic U.S. -- if you are not logged in when you search, you will only see those listings that have Gov ID OFF and IB ON.  Once you log in, you will see all the IB listings (assuming you yourself have a verified ID).

@Robert78 Hello,


We signed up for the IB trial and have had the same dilemma as others.  After reading your message, I took out the gov't ID requirement.  Immeadeatly, the flash sign appeared on our listing next to the rate while logged on.  We logged out and tested to see if it will show with the IB filter; unfortunately it still is not showing.  We did the regular search and our listing is still on page 12, but the IB icon is still not showing.  


Will someone kindly check our listing please?  We have 4 days left on the trial and we're not getting any inquiries either.  Another glitch we have is that, the latest guest's review we had is posted on the very first page of the reviews...which should be on top of all the other reviews.  We've call in CS on this, and it was initially resolved for a day or two, after that, it's still goes back to the first page of the reviews.  Guess, we'd have to call again.



Stan and Juris

Hi @Stan-And-Juris0  GO DUCKS!!


I looked at your listing and it's showing as Instant Book with the lightening bolt.  And I'm showing Yaron as your most recent review.  Hope this helps!

Thanks @Cynthia-and-Chris1, appreciate your prompt response.  We check it out, and still we don't see that it's in the IB list and our listing shows Yaron's review at the very last page.  I guess it doesn't matter since you saw the listing on the right place.  Again, thanks for your time.


Stan and Juris

Level 2
Melbourne, Australia

Interesting read .. I have another problem.  I have IB on AND Gov't ID set as a requiremet.  BUT,  people from China (only country so far) can still book with only a phone number as validation.   Has anyone else had this problem?  Jane - Phillip Island - Australia.