Instant Book's latest glitch!

Level 10
Suzhou, China

Instant Book's latest glitch!

Ok, shoppers, here's what I've recently discovered with regard to how IB (Instant Book) and the recent changes to the government ID requirements may have created a conflict in search results.

I know some in the community think IB anathema, so for you good souls, read no further 😉

Upon doing some research (including a less than useful call to customer service regarding an issue with my listing's poor search results and consequent low viewing stats), I have discovered that there is currently a conflict in how Instant Book and the "Government ID Required" protocols correlate, namely:

1. If you have IB activated, and require prospective guests to provide government ID, then there is the potential that IB will NOT appear in your listing's search results. Even if your own settings show quite clearly that IB is turned ON, this is NOT necessarily the case when it comes to search parameters. This may not be the case for all listings, however.

2. If you switch off the government ID requirement in your IB listing requirements, you will have miraculously reactivated your IB status (which wasn't turned off to begin with) and you may very well receive an email congratulating for adopting Instant Book! (Which I got - I'm so proud!)

Now, I'm aware that this raises the spectre of deregulating unvetted and undocumented guests to book via IB if you should choose to disable the Gov. ID option, so to this I say: caveat emptor...


So, head's up and happy IB'ing!


19 Replies 19
Level 1
Bergen, Norway

Thanks a lot!

I've been strolling around the help pages wondering why the apartment doesn't show as listed like that, but finally I got the answer!
Best regards



When I do a search, your listing does show up in the search results.  Nr. 8 on the list.  It is incredibly slow at the moment and prices are being dumped so there is a chance of getting great value for money right in the city center.


Interesting observation.  It does not seem to have reached my area just yet.  What I have observed is that those who do not meet the strict criteria are directed so that they make an inquiry.  If we do a pre-approval - will they be able to book without meeting our verification requirements ?


@Marit-Anne0 When I first checked Vegard's listing just after he posted his response, IB wasn't showing on his listing. It is now! I assume he made the alteration I suggested and the changes have now taken effect.

Look, I cannot comment on the pre-approval issue, because frankly I prefer IB and I pre-approve just about anyone, anyway!

I take the "shoot first, ask questions later" stance 😉

All I know is, there's a move away from Airbnb to require government ID (it's been documented a few times here) in order to streamline guest approvals for Instant Booking properties. The reason is clear: they were getting way too many complaints and calls from guests (and hosts too) about the verification hassles. This is another move to streamline the procedures for guests, while demoting hosts to (un)willing partners.

In the interim, there are some fairly signficant glitches while they beta all these changes. I'm sure you're aware of just how buggy this entire platform has been (for years!)

My solution isn't perfect, it's just a patch...


Thank you for clarifying.  Perhaps I have the same issue - me and @Vegard1 are in the same city and same market.  I have IB on, but also full ID-requirement.  It shows IB on when I preview and when I do research, but perhaps it is different when searching from a different location.  

@Marit-Anne0 Yeah, I just checked: your IB is active when I'm using a VPN connection in California, but when I checked your listing with my VPN switched off (from my ISP here in China), your listing had no IB thunderbolt AT ALL.

So obviously, there's a serious issue with search functionality from region to region.

Thanks a million @Robert78.  This is kind of what I have suspected.  

And yes, I am aware that the site is glitchy  - I think it even cost me a few bookings this summer when certain calendar settings were out for weeks.  

I hear that! @Marit-Anne0 I haven't had an enquiry for weeks, and I'm generally at 92-3% occupancy year round, which is what prompted my research.

You know best, you're an experienced host. We are all at the tender mercies of this platform...

Praise be to the great spaghetti monster in the sky (blessed are his noodly appendages) that we have this forum! 😄

Hello! Could somebody please to check my listing, whether IB is active?


It is when I look from a French IP-address, but it may not be when someone in China does the same.  See Roberts response above.

@Natalia77 Yes, IB is active on your listing.

This is a bug.  Make sure you log these items so they roll up to the correct IT QA folks to get corrected.  At a minimum, it is not a well thought out business rule.


Just logged one around IB and Gov ID from my own experience.  Guest was a traditional book, new user.  In my guest settings I have Gov ID logged for Instant book users but because she did not use the IB function, they did not require it of her even though she has a Verified ID.  So guess what, that means I will have to manually check all traditional reservationists for the ID before I accept them.  That's not helpful at all.  Also a bug or a thoughtless business practice.  


You just confirmed my suspicions and I fear it is meant to be this way.  And those who do not meet the criteria are redirected to do a traditional book (tested with my own listing entering a number of infants).

Level 10
Strathpeffer, United Kingdom

@Alice-and-Jeff0 when it relates to Airbnb, IT and Quality  is an oxymoron.

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Just posted about a problem with IB and came across this conversation.

Could please someone check if i have IB on ?