@Ben551 - almost no one will be able to run this script though.
It requires a GNU/Linux host (laptop, Raspberry Pi,
# etc) and the aircrack-ng suite.
I know what a Linux environment is, and setting one up that can run that script can be a beast.
But I bet 99% of people don't know what that is even, let alone have the patience to set it up.
That said, in the script, there's a link to https://plugunplug.net/ which has an appliance that might be something to take on vacation with you.
I'm not convinced it'll find all wi-fi cameras out there, but it probably does a decent enough job. It also looks like it might be able to disable useful things to hosts like doorbell cams or other security cams that don't have anything to do with the hidden cams people are worried about.
It also does nothing to help find cams that just record to memory and aren't wi-fi enabled.
We don't use any cams - doorbell, security or otherwise. But we've staying in a couple Airbnb's that do. It does make you wonder...