Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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I have been hosting since the first of January. I have two really nice rooms that I have dedicated to AirBNB in my house. The rooms are in a separate wing with a separate door. I keep the rooms immaculately clean as well as the shared bathroom. I have the house sprayed for bugs every other month. There are NO bugs. The rooms come with a double bed, two dressers, mini fridge (stocked with goodies), a microwave, half dozen bottles of water, snacks, and a fruit basket. I also provide toothbrushes, toothpaste, fresh soap, shampoo, condition, lint rollers, hair dryer, iron and iron board, candies, and lotion. I completely replace my sheets with new sheets every three months. I have four sets and double wash all linens twice with hot water after each guest leaves. I provide super nice egyptian towels which I replace every other day. The rooms have flat screen tvs with a full gamut of shows available. Each room also has a DVD player and guests are welcome to watch any of my movie collection. I also provide high speed wi-fi. Every morning I provide hot coffee (with take away cups), sweet rolls, fruit, yogurt, tea and juice. They have full run of the house with use of the kitchen and laundry facilities. It's a sweet deal. Overall, everyone has truly enjoyed staying at my home and I have gotten great reviews saying they find my home cozy, clean, comfortable and can't wait to come back. I had one bad review from a young woman I had to ask to leave with AirBNBs blessing because she was smoking pot in the room, bringing strange men home every night, having beer parties in the front yard, etc. I gave her several chances and she just couldn't follow the house rules. AirBNB totally had my back with this situation. I just bought my house and have put a lot of money into it, and I want people to enjoy themselves, but I am very aware of keeping the house in good shape and nice also. Then today I get this really horrible review from this woman stating that the house was so filthy it made her want to vomit, that her room was infested with bugs, that there was dog odor everywhere, that there were dog snacks and filth on the floor, that it smelled like I washed the dogs in the bathtub, that there were hairs on the dresser, that the light didn't work (the light works, it has a remote control that I showed her how to use) and that she was disgusted by all the favorable reviews that were obvious lies I had gotten and that although she didn't think it was "her place" to tell me how to live my life, my home was disgusting and I needed to clean it and she couldn't believe how I had so many good reviews. My house is immaculate. I take a lot of pride in my house, and it is spotless. The guest rooms are separated from the rest of the house and the dogs have never even been in the rooms or wing at all, unless it is for a few seconds when they follow me in when I replace towels. I clean the bathroom every other day. My ad clearly states I have dogs. I have three shih tzus. However, they are not allowed in the guest wing at all. It is shut off by a door. My dogs are groomed monthly (I don't even wash them at home, and I'd certainly never bathe them in the guest tub!), and when I have guests they stay in what I call my kennel, which is an enclosed patio with a doggie door. You cannot smell them. In fact when they are in the main house, they wear belly bands (diapers) so I know there are no accidents! I don't have bugs. I get the house sprayed every two months. The rooms are kept immaculate. This person stayed three nights and came in short notice. She never complained or contacted AirBNB about me, and she acted like everything was great while she was here, and it took her two weeks after she left to write the nasty review. It was just horrible. I feel like crying. I have put a lot of money and energy into this. And now people see this horrible awful lying. I have contacted AIrBNB and it is under investigation, but I am just sick. Obviously, this person has issues to maliciously hurt someone for no reason is a sick thing to do. Has anyone else had an experience like this? It may seem like I am a bit OCD, but the point is, my house is kept very clean and decent. I am just so upset.
@Julie131 Contact Airbnb. Reviews made in spite which contain untruths should be removed.
Thanks! I did contact AirBNB and am waiting to hear from their escalation team. I probably let it upset me too much.
Bad guests happen. Don't let it get to you please. I think you will find that Airbnb will make corrections once they have reviewed the situation. Your place sounds amazing - we are clean but you sound....well you mentioned OCD - your guests will definitely benefit from your scrupulous attention to detail but remember to stay open and welcoming. Relax. You will have countless more good experiences than bad but you have to make yourself open to the wonderfulness of people. Sounds preachey, sorry.
This seems to be guest Vanessa? I am mystified though, why did you leave her such a dishonestly glowing review if she was such a royal pain as a guest breaking not one, not two but several of your house rules!? The reviews we as hosts leave are not meant to carress guest egos but are to give other hosts a sign as to a guest's prior behaviour and whether they feel alright taking somebody like that into their homes.
If I had a guest from hell with behaviour as bad and disrespectful you describe I would even go so far as to give her the thumbs down in my review. And that is the sentence that Airbnb automatically shows on her profile.
To your question, if Airbnb doesn't remove the review, you can leave a professional reply under her review of you.
@Andrea9 This is getting away from the thread but, you are spot on Andrea, that is as good a reponse as I have read. Carressing guests egos, and guests carressing hosts egos has become so much a part of the Airbnb phylosophy that this whole review system dominates everything else. It is making bitches and devils out of perfectly lovely people. Of course there are unsavoury guests and hosts, and we need to be honest, and have some recourse! But this emphasis on giving nothing less than 5 stars is not doing any of us any good! I am seeing posts where someone who has left an objective review as to how they found the property is accused of being 'untruthfull'!!
My cottage is NOT a 5 star property, it is simply a renovated old building which I have done to the best of my ability! Sure I am proud of it, and it is very homely and comfortable but in terms of opulence I would classify it as possibly a 2.5 or 3 out of 10! But every guest is expected to give this property a 5 star review and anything less is seen as some sort of failure.
Somehow we need to dwell a lot less getting a perfect score and more on just being honest decent people.
Thanks Andrea, a great post......Rob
My apologies Julie, you are absolutely right; the software system scrunches texts up into one endless and difficult to oversee paragraph... I got caught on the example of the other guest becoming victim to my mind twisting it into the current one. My bad.
Although I'm still glad I vented my opinion. Too many posts on this forum about hosts posting kind reviews for terrible guests out of fear (thanks Robin). I am indeed sorry it ended up being directed at the wrong person, Julie, giving you injustice upon injustice!
I still say- if Airbnb doesn't budge, I would reply thanking my guest for taking the time to review me, and something to the extent of being completely mystified as to what really caused the maliciousness of her complaints. I love being a host and put a lot of care and effort into preparation for guests and during their stay. Not once did V during her stay address any one of her alleged issues and in fact made a very satisfied impression.
I'm sure you'd word it better, but remember to keep it fairly short . No long diatribe and too many details. Future guests will see how you handle BS professionally.
And even if this doesn't make you feel better: she probably had a bad experience that had nothing to do with you and took it out on you. Such meanness hurts, but don't take it personally.
There called retaliation reviews....I too have a super clean aprtment in Hawaii, I noticed that nice guests leave nice reviews and not so nice guests leave bad reviews. Its also curious the ones that give me a 3 star for cleanliness seem to be the most messy, piggy guests, almost like their reviwing themselves, because I am not their maid during the stay?
I had one lady from China, a bit spoiled, hated everything, gave me 1 stars, hated that I lived here, hated I had company over, hated that I watched TV after 8pm, when she went to bed, but then she got up at 5am, and made a lot of noise, a very selfish person , was rude to me in my home......Its her attitude and outlook, I told her next to get a Hotel and pay the going rate in Honolulu of $250-$550 nt instead of being cheap and staying at my place for only $85/nt.....
"I told her next to get a Hotel and pay the going rate in Honolulu of $250-$550 nt instead of being cheap and staying at my place for only $85/nt....."
Good for you.
AirBnB Treehouse for Rent
"Coming soon to a bookstore near you: The Quotable Host by Mike" -- @Sandra
"Guests neither scare nor intrigue me--and I'm ALL about the money!" -- @C C
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I have just had the same thing happen.
The review is filled with tailored inaccuracies from a young person who tours himself as a seasoned Airbnb traveler. The review smacks of a calculated attack against me as a host.
Does not seem innocent, but calculated.
Possibly set in motion by a nearby Superhost who is improperly managing his rental (not his property).
Or maybe this guy just has emotional problems. He has written a personal attack that has been set off by his own ineffective communication.
I am waiting to hear back as to how Airbnb will handle the review and the person who wrote it.
Theresa, I have just read Francesco's review and your response. I hope you don't mind if I make an observation.
You have a lovely property and a bunch of great reviews so you are obviously making a great success out of your hosting, I congratulate you. Where I have a problem is, your response to Francesco's review!
Francesco may have been just a bit thoughtless or careless, but by gee you climbed into him in that response and reading that all of a sudden makes me think, 'you are fine as long as everything goes OK, but by God, look out if there is a problem' suddenly make yourself look a 'brittle' host and this undoes all the great work your other reviews have done.
Theresa, don't get into verbal fisticuffs with a guest, you won't win. You have to be as diplomatic as you can, you have to always retain the moral high ground.
What you should have said to Francesco was....."As Hosts we always try our best for our guests, and as my reviews show, we succeed, well most of the time! If our hosting style missed the mark here with Francesco I am sorry about that, I value feedback and I will try to lift my game. However, taken in context with my past hosting I think the review says more about Francesco than it says about me. Although I wish him well for the future I would decline the opportunity to host him again"!
Leave it at that Teresa, don't get stuck into a massive long 'he said/she said' epistle.....It chips away at all the good work you are doing.
Remember the review system says as much about the host as it does the guest.....and I don't think the way you handled Francesco's review did you any favours. Honestly I think the best thing at the moment for you would be for Airbnb to remove both reviews of the stay.
Sorry I am not trying to be argumentative Theresa, I am simply trying to help! All the best.
His review is filled with inaccuracies and falsehoods. That is all on the web. The truth is not important to your company? I go out of my way to look out for the guests and to accommodate them and this review is unwarranted. It reads like a personal attack. It feels abusive. I am very detailed and if I miss something I am fine with improving, but that is not what his review is about. It is a supremely malicious overreaction to a simple statement. It does not come across as innocent. It feels calculated. Intentional. Intended to undercut me as a host and a person. I am not okay with it.
I address every one of his accusations with the truth of the situation and that is somehow 'brittle' in your estimation?
The review should be removed. And if this kind of template response is what Airbnb is recommending why not send that to us as part of a response to slanderous reviews that erupt out of nowhere?
This guy has a problem. Whether it is organic, orchestrated or something else, I have an issue with it.