Modify booking without changing the price

Level 2
Lima, Peru

Modify booking without changing the price

My guest was suposed to stay for 6 weeks but when she arrived she told me that she will stay 4 weeks. She reserved for 1 person but as her boyfriend will also stay, we agreed that she paid the same price for 4 weeks. BUT when i try to update the calender and write the same price, when she received the request, Airbnb says that will give her a reembourse of almost 20 dollars. I don't understand why and i don't know if i will received tha amount agreed since the beginning. Thanks.

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Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hola @Vanessa4


he visto que has publicado este mensaje en la comunidad hispanohablante, te informo de que voy a moverlo a la comunidad inglesa para que tenga más difusión por el lenguje utilizado, espero que te sea de ayuda y si quieres puedes escribirlo aquí en español.


Espero que te sea de ayuda.


Un saludo. 


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