More and more inquiries for discounts.

Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

More and more inquiries for discounts.

What is happening in the Airbnb world that I have seen such a surge in requests for discounts? I have declined them all as "not comfortable with this guest". Thankfully I don't really need the income, but this must be happening to guests that do rely on extra cash from their listing. Is it because there are so many new listings so desparate for bookings that they will give in to requests for discounts? That must be it. I have hosted for over 4 years and have never had to decline so many inquiries. I may even get dinged by Airbnb because there is no drop down menu in "decline" for "guests asking for a discount".

48 Replies 48

@Huma0, sometimes you just can't win!! I read the review by M (I think I found the one, mentioned builders), it wasn't too bad, only someone who is really paying attention will even notice the reference to the builders.  One thing to know - here in the US "Builders" might suggest a lot bigger deal than it does in the UK so American potential guests might need reassurance that "builders" are like "workmen" who do repairs around the house, not tearing down walls etcc.!! 


I know all about the "builders" from my time in the UK because it was always "their" sugar that I was consuming when my friends innocently and politely asked whether I'd like sugar in my tea.... "Yes please" I'd say... then comes "oh....(pause)....John (he's in the kitchen), can you check whether there's any sugar left from when the builders were in? I think it's on the top shelf behind the waffle iron."  And out would come the small bag of sugar from the top shelf, with plaster dust, or paint, or traces of whatever work the builders had done in the previous 5 years!  It was kind of an archaeological study of renovations to their house. And I had sugar in my tea!  🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Susie5Yes, you are right, the review isn't so bad. It just irks me because she was given a discount specifically because the builders were going to be here. If she was going to mention the builders in her review, she should have mentioned the discount too! I was tempted to respond politely to the review, but mention the discount in my response, so that potential guests could see I had been fair about it, but then I thought it would just draw attention to it, so probably best to leave it.


Also, she marked me down on accuracy, specifically stating the builders as her reason. If she agreed to accept a discount prior to her stay on account of the builders being here, in what way was I misleading her about their presence? Did she think she was getting a discount for builders NOT being here?!


Lol, you are so right about the sugar thing. It's incredible how much sugar builders consume here! As for the amount of dust they create, don't even get me started...

Level 2
Olympia, WA

Yes! Lately practically everyone is asking for a discount. I say no every time. I had an Airbnb a few years ago and this never happened! Now it’s the majority of requests!

Beth May (she/her)

Odd has now been a long time since I was asked, probably goes in phases.
