New amenity idea for TV category

Level 3
Victoria, Canada

New amenity idea for TV category

Currently there is a selectable option for TV and under it Cable TV. A new option which could be added under the TV option is 'Streaming Services', for hosts that offer a TV hooked up with streaming service in lieu of traditional cable TV.

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Saint Simons Island, GA

AB&B amenities criteria is seriously lacking!


The TV criteria is so confusing especially when searching. Does the house have a TV but my room does not, my room has a TV but No service, the TV is streaming but you have to use your own app/service, the TV only has antenna channels, the TV has no remote, the TV has no cord (technically  there IS a TV?!) I have experienced ALL of these! 

Parking on premises?? Garage parking, covered parking, driveway parking, parking in the yard, parking in the mud, parking next door. Most US car insurance companies will find you partially (or completely if it is parked illegally) at fault if you park your car on the street and it is hit/damaged/broken into. 

AB&B needs to break it down so I don’t have to ask 15 different properties before I find one that has what I need.