Prices irregular

Level 1
Belgrade, Serbia

Prices irregular

When my listing is checked by a potential guests, price shown are significantly lower than I have set them. I have checked my calendar and it shows correct prices. This is not the first time. I even had one reservation with lover prices so I lost money but I did accept it as a courtesy to the guest. WHat is happening?
P.S. Smart price is off. So it's not that. I see no valid reason for my prices falling randomly and me not having control. It's apsurd. I'm seriously thingking about deleting my airbnb account.

P.S.S. A friend could barely find my listing among others even it wasn't so before.

So, many issues. Any help much appreciated.

6 Replies 6

The thing that happened to me was well two things.  

First, if I'm not filling up then I drop prices but when you go in manually you have to hit save for each individual price, which doesn't seem to be your issue.  After I did finally get the prices right I forgot that I had a extra weekly percentage discounted if they booked a week or a month so a few people got really good deals as well.  Other than that I don't know.


Good luck,


Seems it was the weekly/monthly discount thing. Thanks very much for the tip!
(airbnb tip for weekly discount 40%, woah airbnb, should I give for free? :P)

Level 2
Delgany, Ireland

I had a smilar problem and it said this may be due to currency fluctuations and other unspecified items. Balderdash I'm in the eurozone and so are my guests!
Level 1
United Kingdom

I had a similar problem. It was because some nights I had blocked when the price was lower. I then increased the price and when I unblocked those nights the original price remained

Level 1
New Delhi, India

Hi ! 

Joining in your conversation as my quarries are almost the same. A new entrant, I got a msg requesting stay for a day. 

I have listed basic comforts with breakfast in a beautiful  and clean setting. ( yet to upload photographs) Only a three days back my friend helped me register and I have  already received my first guest request. I was surprised at the pricing mentioned. It is much lower than what I have listed for a day. How do I make the changes and upgrade it ? 



Level 1
New Delhi, India

Hi ! 

Joining in your conversation as my quarries are almost the same. A new entrant, I got a msg requesting stay for a day. 

I have listed basic comforts with breakfast in a beautiful  and clean setting. ( yet to upload photographs) Only a three days back my friend helped me register and I have  already received my first guest request. I was surprised at the pricing mentioned. It is much lower than what I have listed for a day. How do I make the changes and upgrade it ?