Reservation I haven't approved!

Level 1
Brighton, United Kingdom

Reservation I haven't approved!


I have a reservation enquiry pending that is for a longer stay, so I am in conversation with the person requesting. However, it is now saying the dates are unavailable and when I look at my calendar suddenly a reservation for  in a few weekss has appeared which says it is waiting 12 hours for guest verification. I have not received any information about this request, and my settings are that I need to approve every booking. I have no idea how this has happened and I do not want the booking as I would prefer the person who is staying for longer but this will ruin that booking!
Please help!


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

This happens when a potential guest put in a reservation request before they have gone through the verification process.  It is a glitch - I experienced the same last summer and I had hoped it would have been solved by now.  Apparantly not ! You would need to contact airbnb to have the dates cleared.  It is not very likely that the other guest will go through with any booking at all - probably given up in the process.