
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Senior Guest complains....

Level 2
Victoria, Canada

Senior Guest complains....

So I host  senior couples, whichi may be in their 70s. They are complain there is no bible in apartment....and also, they complain there are only 4 dish sets. Which is incovinence in someway. Isn't 4 dish sets enough for 2 people? I only have 4 dish sets in my own family of 3...   They says they will not leave a copmlimentary reviews after check out.


What do you guys suggest here? Should I just say thank you for your advices and ignore them? or actually do sth?



15 Replies 15
Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Luke224  I guess it cannot get any worse than them leaving a bad review for you, so you might as well attempt to smooth it over.  You can thank them profusely for their recommendation and tell them that yes, it is customary for hotels to have Bibles however Airbnb is not a hotel. You also welcome all religions and so you do not fee that you will be able to provide all the spiritual  literature for everyone and therefore will just let your guests just bring their own. You are just trying to be welcome and mindful of everyone. As for the dish sets,  tell them that it is customary in the industry to provide 4 for 2 guests however you greatly appreciate their recommendations and how many do they feel there should be. Then they will hopefully feel appreciated and heard. You then send them a plea saying how much bad reviews hurt hosts and that hopefully they can find it in their heart to not review you at all if they cannot say kind things. Perhaps even use the fact that you know they read a Bible to plead to their kindness as a religious person.  Nothing you say will hurt you at this point but perhaps you can turn things around. God speed! 🙂

Thanks for you advise, Inna.  Do you know if they give me a bad reviews based on these faces. ( maybe 1 star?) Can I dispute it? Because I never had these types of complains before and do not think theses are necessary. 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

''Thank you and God Bless!

Really appreciate the feedback, which I will take into account for my future hosting. ''


If they are staying for a while, drop off the things they want.


If they mention in their review that there is no bible the review won't be taken seriously anyway. Not a very valid complaint. Be patient and compassionate. You certainly meet some interesting people when doing STR!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Oh dear, I hate to have to say this but, bibles and poor quality guests seem to go hand in hand. The worse review rating I ever got was from a Malaysian bible proud family........

silly ratings 4d.png

They spent an inordinant amount of time talking about how Gods faith and care for us is boundless and how we find peace when we find him.......and when they left they took everything I provide for guests that they could find, even all the boxes of soap they came across in the restock cupboard. That is the only 3 star rating I have ever had, and have a look at was for value.

There is an old saying.."The lord helps those who help themselves"......I suppose these people thought they should put his word to the test!

Another overtly christian family removed books they had a liking for from the library when they left.


In my experience if there are guests who will in some way be critical of my property or the hospitality I offer, God will be involved there somewhere. He will be talked about to me or at least mentioned in the review process.

My current guest falls into this bracket! As I was showing them through the cottage he asked if there was a bible and I showed him the 5 various bibles I have inherited from different members of the family that sit on one of the shelves....... one of them dating back to the nineteenth century. Another of those 5,  I received as a 10 year old to commemorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11 when she toured Australia after her coronation in 1954! As her children subjects we all received one with her embossed coat of arms on the front cover!

This guest has spent a considerable amount of time yesterday talking about the religious work they both do and I have to admit, I have a concern in the back of my mind........we will see what happens when they depart, I am hoping they will break the mold, but I am not confident!


I am sorry Luke but mate, I don't think they have singled you out.....tolerance is not something that much of God's umbrella is noted for!




Take everything out of the place that you can't literally nail down. Put locks on every single cupboard, closet and door that they're not paying for. That is what I am doing. It also helps a bit if you live onsite like I do. Still I have had more than my share of impossible, bottom feeding guests so I am jacking my rates to near what the area hotels are charging and you tend to get the better, less bottom feeding guests.

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom

Is this Political Correctness gone mad?!


What right have these people got to blackmail you in your own home? If they're that bothered about having a bible - they should have brought one with them, and the fact that you have more bowl sets than they actually need should be enough bowl sets PERIOD.


You have nothing to lose. Tell them that you do not respond well to blackmail, you would not like them to return again and you too look forward to reviewing them after they check out. Inform them that you are directly eeporting them for attempted blackmail to Airbnb. Remember... Right now, these people are blackmailing you in your own house!


I would make AirBnb aware of their attempt to blackmail you and that you would like to have them removed from your property.


Unfortunately, with some people when you give an inch, people want to take a yard... Be firm with them but be fair.



Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Luke224 that is truly laughable. In your place I would not provide anything extra, but just explain politely that those things are not included in your listing. Their review of you will make them look ridiculous; respond to it briefly and professionally if at all. And please review them honestly to warn other hosts!  Jeez.  I personally would be put off by finding a bible in an STR.

Also: given AIrbnb's inclusiveness etc. policy, if you provided a bible would you also have to provide various other religious texts?  Good grief.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Luke224  As you will notice, successful hosts with a great deal of experience can offer a wide range of suggestions.  Having looked at your space and the positive reviews I can imagine that you might be a bit blindsided by the criticism.  Like you, I have had great reviews but sometimes I get feedback, usually in private, that something could be improved from the perspective of the guest.  I like to try to see the picture from their perspective and most of the time I can see some value in the feedback.  Perhaps an abundance of dishes would feel more welcoming to others as well. That way you don't have to run the dishwasher as frequently.  


I do see so many hosts become defensive if a guest provides anything but a glowing review and assume a hostile attitude toward the guest.   Pretty sure that won't help the matter.   I totally advocate a strong professional stance along with a willing to listen, even beyond the stated issue.  BTW, I am in my 70's and have a very strong interior judgement voice which I have learned to keep to myself 😛

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia





Oh my "good"?  You're making the situation worse as it already is!


Level 10
Houston, TX

If you have a guest who is threatening a bad review if you don't provide a certain amenity, service, etc. it is one of the rare circumstances when AirBnB will consider removing a review.  I would contact AirBnB and get that on record immediately so if/when you get the bad review AirBnB has a history to view prior to the review posting.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

I should think that people to whom a Bible is a goes-without-saying necessity would never be travelling without one in their bag. I know they're heavy, but you'd think the priority would be that, over bringing any clothes, cosmetics, or other items if space and weight was a consideration.

@Luke224 Try this:

"Really? My goodness, I would never go anywhere without one. Did you forget yours? I'm so sorry, but the young man down the block just asked to borrow mine the other day- I certainly couldn't say no, would you? Such a nice young man, nothing like most of these irreverant teenagers today."

Level 10
СПБ, Russia



Remind him of Luke 6 ; 37 on airbnb messages - before the review is written.