Share listing & booking details

Level 6
New South Wales, Australia

Share listing & booking details

We all want a fair nights price for our bookings, but is it a good idea for hosts to constantly compare their prices to each other?   


A new feature asking hosts to share their booking details with other hosts seems to be a race to the bottom for hosts. Airbnb will make it's cut on bookings regardless. I find it very annoying Airbnb keep pushing hosts to lower their prices. I have previously complained about the constant emails asking me to lower my minimum nights and my rates... they are cheap already! Now this new request / feature to share details is only to make hosts feel more pressure to lower their prices. Another bad move from Airbnb. Please let me know if you can see any positives?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Grande Prairie, Canada

@Jeremy129 my prices are already cheap. I would rather leave Airbnb than hosting people for cheaper price.

Airbnb harass the hosts in many ways...