Tasto "Rifiuta Pre-approvazione"/ "Remove pre-approval" button

Level 2
Palermo, Italy

Tasto "Rifiuta Pre-approvazione"/ "Remove pre-approval" button



Mi sono accorta che già da un po' di tempo non visualizzo più il tasto per cancellare la pre-approvazione nelle conversazioni con gli ospiti.

Qualcuno ha lo stesso problema? E' un bug di Airbnb?








I noticed that there isn't anymore the button "remove pre-approval" in the conversations with the guests.

Is anybody else with the same problem? Is an Airbnb bug?



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

Yes, it has been like that for at least two weeks. I contacted Airbnb and was assured that after 24 hours the pre-approval is automatically removed. I think that Airbnb is not longer giving us the option to remove pre-approvals ourselves. The contact at Airbnb did not seem concerned at all about the issue, since the calendar dates are still open until someone actually books. If you want to pre-approve someone else you can go ahead and do so....you can have many pre-approvals for the same date. The first guest who books is the one that will get it. I find that annoying, and told Airbnb, because sometimes we "change our minds" about pre-approving someone. That is no longer an option.

Level 2
Florence, Italy