The Rating System is just useless and can put hosts in danger

Level 2
Mons, Australia

The Rating System is just useless and can put hosts in danger

It is absolutely pointless to even aspire to the “Superhost" status when you get appalling guests who write blatant lies in the reviews, and you can’t go back and change the rating you gave them and to let other hosts know that these people are just deplorable and to not let them near your property…

We work so hard to make sure our guests have a great time, and then a couple of wankers come along and destroy our reputation and there is nothing we can do about it?
From February this year, I will no longer be using this platform as the quality of guests have deteriorated over the past couple of years to the point where it's just too difficult (or dangerous) to deal with them.  I would have liked to know if other hosts had said "do not recommend" the guest, would have saved me a lot of stress. The way airbnb is set up hugely disadvantages the hosts who try do the right thing...
22 Replies 22

@Irena64 wrote:

I didn't know you could do that... 

Many of us use a Chrome Extention called "AirREVIEW" which makes it easy to see the reviews that guests have left for previous hosts. It also shows you if a guest doesn't leave reviews, which can be equally important.

@Susan151  Yes, definitely important to know if guests have a history of not leaving reviews. But that doesn't necessarily mean they won't. I just had a lovely guest. I had noticed that she had had 4 Airbnb stays, and altho all of her hosts had reviewed her (well) she hadn't reviewed at all. I asked her about that during her stay. She just hadn't bothered- she, of course, had no idea that it had any affect on hosts. When I explained how it does, and how the whole review system works on the host end, she was totally receptive and left me a nice 5*review.

I've got another one coming in 2 days- many stays, only left 2 reviews. I'll do the same with her, and hopefully will have a good result, we'll see.

Level 2
Flagstaff, AZ

I’m currently lying in bed and the guests below me are smoking so much weed it’s unbelievable! Same thing happened this morning!!!! Smell coming through the floor  vents. 

@Nancy134 Are you stoned yet? 🙂

Sarah - I’m not..  Can’t believe I have no smoking sign and also no smoking language in the listing though. 

Oh no, I hope it's legal where you are.

Do you not have "No smoking " signs? Or are they too stoned to notice those?


No- it’s illegal. Plus I have a no smoking policy and sign.  And they have two little children with them in the same apartment.  Arg’

Level 4
Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom

I have a London house share. I have to be real careful about the drugs situation and even have had men asking me if its ok for the prostitutes he brings back to use the bathroom! It's illegal and I live in the house. Whenever I get this I tell them straight out that the rules say no drugs and that if it happens again I will call the Police in for them. I have never had someone do it twice and for the record neither the prostitutes nor the hopeful guest got to stay although he was genuinely surprised that I would not allow this in my family home. DUH.