The quest asks for sex

Level 1
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The quest asks for sex

The guest asks for sex. How can I cancel the reservation witout being penalty?

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Contact Airbnb immediately, I am sorry I do not have a phone contact number for Malaysia but your best avenue of contact is via Twitter! If you don't have an account you can open one in seconds, it is free and then follow this procedure.

Step 1: Log into Twitter

Step 2: Search for @Airbnbhelp and choose "Follow" them

Step 3: Send a Direct Message (DM) explaining your issue and wait for their response.  They may ask for information such as your listing but always provide it over DM so it is not public.

They will respond quickly, explain your situation and they will remove the guest.

This way there will be no penalty to you Joseph.


It is a strange world....while most of it is trying to get into your situation, you trying to get out of it!!!


@Joseph152 - please note, that Airbnb is going to look at your emails with this guest.  Please make sure you flag the email where they solicited you and that you flag the guest's profile that he's being inappropriate.  

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Now Alice, that's another slant....I hadn't thought it was a 'He'! Geez I am getting naive in my old age!!!


Level 2
Calgary, Canada

Hello Joseph,

I am responding without having the privilege of reviewing your message thread with this guest so I hope my response is appropriate for you.  The world is made up of many delightful and many ignorant people and your guest may simply be testing the waters with you.  He is likely coming from a point of ignorance so I wouldn't cancel, I would simply tell him that sex is not part of the service you offer.  Then remind him that clandestine activities (you need to make sute that this is included in your house rules) (i.e. soliciting prostitutes, orgies, etc. etc. ) is not permitted and he risks losing his damage deposit.  As a female superhost myself, I know it takes all kinds to make up the world, and you need to protect yourself and your place with strict booking limitations, government ID checks, and straight communication with your guests about what your expectations are/aren't. 

@Heather152 - it needs clarifying that you cannot collect the Security Deposit becasue someone broke your house rules.  They actually have to cause some sort of damage or have done something that allows you to collect additional funds - like have extra people over and you charge an extra person fee that was not paid.   

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Joseph152  Whether the guest was "testing" or not, this guest is not appropriate for Air BNB, in my opinion. You have instant booking so you can easily cancel the guest as you are uncomfortable with the guest.  No penalty.  However, in addition, you should flag the profile of the guest as inappropriate and send a Twitter message regarding the guest message.


Keep us posted as to what happens.