Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Hi Community
These are some of my tips for hosting. Please note that they are NOT necessarily what other people may like but are things that have assisted myself in hosting and I want to share. Remember, I am NOT telling you what to do!
1. Iron your sheets, including fitted ones if you use them. It gives a professional look and demonstates they are clean.
2.Try and use white sheets if possible, especially if you line dry them as the sun will keep them nice and bleached.
3. Invest in an electric blanket if you live somewhere that has a cold winter.............
4. Get some tourist information for the local area and leave it for guests.
5. Have a guest directory. Information that contains the FAQ's such as passwords etc.
6. Have a guide to local eating places. Airbnb does have a guidebook attached for hosts to fill in but it is not very user friendly and fiddly for guest to use.
7. Touch base with guest to see if things are ok each day. That way it helps to sort out issues and avoid bad reviews.
8. Don't stress about getting Superhost status........the evidence shows that people will generally book based on your photos, amenities and reviews before superhost status. At least half of my guests were not even aware of Superhost status.
9.Try and be pet will pay you dividends..........!!!!
10. If you provide breakfast or food in the listing then try and cater for peoples dietry needs if possible. Are they vegan, lactose free, have any allergies etc? You can't cater for everything/everyone but the simple gesture of asking makes a world of difference to guests.
11. Try and avoid cleaning fees if possible, it is a real put off for guests. Instead, incorporate it into your listing price.
12. Have business cards made up and leave them in and around the listing. Have your Airbnb link on it.
13. Advertise in social media. Instagram is way better than FB and can showcase your listing better. You can also put your Airbnb link on your profile.
14. Read people comments and advice in these discussions rooms but DON'T take it all to seriously. What might be good for one is bad for another. However, there is some great advice on here.
15. Stick to what you believe your listing is worth!!! If you need to check that your price is right then ask the people that matter.....your guests! I am regularly told I should charge more!
16. Offer a 10% discount to returning guests. Tell them on departure to set a good tone. Helps with reviews as well.
17. If you are starting off with a listing and want to go the extra mile, then give guests a bottle of wine on arrival. It makes a huge difference.
18. If possible, try and provide a few biscuits etc for afternoon tea when guest arrive. It makes a huge difference.
19. Clean, clean and clean your listing..............most bad reviews are left because of cleanliness reasons.
20. Iron T towels.....seems silly but looks good.
I hope that has helped a few people. Please add your own ideas for us but remember the ones listed above a a few of my things and does not mean everyone has to do it.
I agree with pretty much all the tips, with the exception of No. 9. I think pet-friendly markets are quite niche, and I wouldn't have much demand. That said, the smell of dogs (if you're not a dog owner) is horrid!
Mate, its not about agreeing or disagreeing with my suggestions, they are simply my thoughts to help people. Of, all the dogs ( which are dozens and dozens) I've never had a problem with dogs smelling 'horrible'! Maybe we keep our dogs cleaner in Australia. Cheers
If you didn't want people to share their opinions too, @Angus-and-David0, perhaps you should have said so, mate.
YES Gordon i agree with you, also some people are allergic to pets.
the smell of dogs (if you're not a dog owner) is horrid! ...............That is the most ridiculous statement I think I have ever read on here, and I have read some pretty dumb ones...
Calm down, @Angus-and-David0, there's no need to be hissy or rude when somebody's opinion doesn't match your own. As for being 'the most ridiculous statement' you've ever read, you're a relative johnny-come-lately, so hang around.
As for item 9, I also disagree. Personally I like dogs. But dogs, mainly dogs that belongs to other person and are not very well trained can be a problem in a apartment/flat.
I also do not know if pet involves also cats, rabbits and even a snake !!!
See the reply to Gordon....!!!!
You are being very touchy @Angus-and-David0 🙂
I agree with @Gordon0, If you wanted to preach, you should have told !
You do not have to agree or disagree about what I am going to say... it is just my thought to help people! 🙂
Tip #Zero: Do not be touchy, maily if a guest complain or if someone share some opinion! 🙂
I am only touchy when people do not understand the difference between an opinion and a opinionated statement...especally when stupid comments are made that are inflammatory and subjective like stating that the smell of all dogs is 'horrid' if you are not a dog owner...I mean what a dumb and badly informed sweeping statement to say. THAT is why I am touchy. Others have made sensible comments on here and been polite.
#9 some people are allergic to pets and that is why i would not be pet friendly at my airbnb althought i love pet.
You have a very good list. I took a look at your listing and I have to say that I'm very jealous of your garden.
You don't have to iron the Sheets, that is so very time consuming when you have a lot going on. put a little spray starch on them and put them in the dryer for maybe 15 minutes, when you take them out fold or use them immediately, once you leave them in the dryer for couple of hours or the next day, they will be crushed.
Good for you Sharon. if you are allergic to pets then obviously you would'nt book a pet friendly BnB would you.
Ironing sheets is time consuming....really??? Maybe its an Australian thing mate!
Hmmm, I'm going to try that! Great tip. We tried ironing and also found it was really, really time consuming.