Warning: Bug on calendar blocking listings.

Warning: Bug on calendar blocking listings.

Hosts beware! A serious bug exists in the "Rule Sets" for the multicalendar. 

Here is the issue:

1. You set the rule for minimum 5 days for dates March 1 to March 31.

2. Guest tries to search for 6 days or more and your listing does not appear. In fact only searches for exactly 5 nights appear and even if the guest finds your listing through a direct link they still arent able to book more than 5 nights! 

I have mentioned it to AirBnB months ago and they just stopped replying to my thread. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I tried to reproduce the error, but as you have many listings, it is not clear to me where to start.

Best regards,


Thanks for the reply. I actually found the issue and fixed it myself. I realized I had set both a minimum and MAXIMUM number of nights for 5. I removed the maximum nights and that solved the problem.