I've been an Airbnb host for several years in Washington DC. We got the 'Bed and Breakfast' Basic Business License, and I believe, applied for and got the Home Occupancy Permit (I did not get a Certificate of Occupancy, because I live in the residence).
Yesterday, I received a letter from the Department of Public Works Solid Waste Education and Enforcement Program Division. The letter states my home is no longer eligible for residential trash pick up and will be discontinued in 2 weeks. Also, I am required to inform the city what I will be doing with my trash (telling them which company I will hire to remove my household garbage).
My Airbnb has only about 90 days use a year; the last two years business has slowed down. The law governing trash pick up, states this is an issue for rooming houses, boarding houses, places for 5 or more strangers not related to the owner, hotels, etc. Nothing about renting out ONE ROOM. I just contact Councilmember Charles Allen's Office (Ward 6). I sent a lengthy and detailed response to the DPW about this, explaining why they are mistaken.
Has anyone else encountered this? Thank you, Neil