What on earth is Verified "Personal Info"?

Level 3
New York, United States

What on earth is Verified "Personal Info"?

Hi all!


I require that guests have a verified ID on file with ABB or be prepared to show before I give them keys. I've had positive experiences so far but as I am in an apartment building with other families, I need to make sure someone at least knows the ID of a a guest.


I had a recent reservation from a potential guest who seemed offended by the requirement and the person's profile shows Verified Phone, Email and Personal Info and this person canceled as a result. I ask for a government ID on file so at least if there are serious issues (like a crime), there is some way to find the person.


What exactly is "Personal Info"???? Is "Personal Info" something like my favorite color is orange and I prefer wine over whiskey? (that is a joke) I know that does not mean a verified government ID that matches other info but the term is so vague that it has led to confusion with guests.


Perhaps I am being too cautious but I would rather not put my home, myself and my neighbors at risk hosting someone who is not willing to at least upload a picture ID with ABB. If someone can please explain what "Personal Info" is that would be very helpful.

1 Reply 1

I echo this question. Have asked many guests to add govt ID and they seem happy to do this. I am puzzled by how many reviews these guests have accumulated "anonymously".  I would never rent to guests who are verified by only a phone number or email address.