When will we be getting a line for Transient Occupancy Tax?

Level 1
Santa Rosa, CA

When will we be getting a line for Transient Occupancy Tax?

I don't understand why it is so difficult for Air BNB to provide hosts with a line for Transient Occupancy taxes? I have called and pleaded with them to be told for months that it is "in the works". As hosts we are on the firing line with local governments to be compliant. This would go a long way to help us deal with this issue. Other Vacation rental sites provide this--not to mention every other retail site on the World Wide Web that charges tax! Come on Air BNB--don't make us do work arounds. Make it happen!



8 Replies 8
Level 10
Templeton, CA

As this forum is only populated by fellow hosts all we can do is feel your pain.  Especially me since I have to pay it to my county too! My guess is that the Transient Occupancy tax varies so much by city/locality across the world Airbnb would have a big job programing for each.  They have it for large cities (San Francisco, for example) or states where either they have a gazillion listings and/or the TOT percentage is the same. 

For now, those of us in relatively small communities have to suffer along either collecting directly from the guest or just incorporating it into our nightly price which is what I do. Hate so many add-ons. 

Your point that retailers can do it is well taken.  Perhaps you could send a direct message to Airbnb?

My point by posting this is to get other hosts to DEMAND that Air BNB do this! Call or write them! I definitely have. There isn't any more mystery here than there is in any retail site that sells goods and services.


Air BNB is evaluated as a 13 BILLION dollar company. To make hosts do silly work arounds is ludicrous. Not to mention the fact that other vacation rental websites manage to get it done. I am all for the sharing economy but Air BNB needs to invest in web development, and local lawyers to help their hosts as they bump into a more rigid regulatory environment.


Simply hoping for grass roots solutions to these corporate issues isn't strategic planning. It's madness.

Who do I contact or call??  Reservation helpers can't do anything.

@Nori1@Barbara21@Sally10 From your lips to Airbnb's ears, I hope!  Yea, Airbnb hasn't quite figured out how to handle this even if it seems like a no-brainer to add a line item for the TOT.  Sooner or later they'll have to fix this as more and more counties and localities are getting on the tax bandwagon.  I'll bet that by the end of the year this will be resolved. (Not sayin' how much I'd bet though!)

Level 9
Mill Valley, CA


I am having trouble adding a simple line for my local taxes !!!!!

With all this fervor I cannot believe it. Iam I missing somewhere to place it

thank you

Sally catalana

Level 9
Mill Valley, CA


I completly agree it is so ridiculous that ARBNB cannot provide a line to put in tax amount.

there is obviously a reason.

I find it an unfair burden to place on the host.

I wind up stating it after their request!

It is quite annoying

VRBO puts a line in so I dont understand.

I love arbnb but this is not good.

thanks for letting me vent

sally Catalana

Level 2
Key West, FL

I see some listings include a tax item line when someone is booking.  How can I add that to my listing?

@Naomi57  The simple answer is, "You can't."  Airbnb has agreements with some jurisdictions to automatically collec the tax on the host's behalf and adds the amount automatically to the listing.  If you jurisdictions doesn't have an agreement with Airbnb, you are stuck finding your own work-around.