WiFi complaints due to more people

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

WiFi complaints due to more people

We have very nice guests from France but they seem to be traveling with others that often come to our house and use the internet. They have been complaining of having a very slow internet connection at times and I think it is due to too many of them using multiple devises all at once. Any ideas on what to do?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Two things, @Connor18. When they complain to you, as they are doing, you can ask how many devices they are trying to connect. That can lead to the discussion about more people using the wifi than have booked. 

Moving forward, make it a house rule, if you like, that only booked guests may enter the property. I had to do this (not because of wifi). It gives you a leg to stand on when someone complains about lack of resources for extra people. 

Thanks.  We already have that rule in there.  My main concern is a bad review due to slow wifi at times when lots of people are using it at once.  I know they are breaking our rule of not having people over but they have been very quiet and good guests so not sure I want to cause a stink.  Thanks for the input.