So this ↑ happened today! In response to the ban by the US on folks from some Muslim dominant countries, Airbnb took it's stand and a strong one!
I had watched this video when they introduced their logo, the Bélo. The underlying them was to connect people across cities and allow them to share moments and build strong communities. Airbnb envisioned a World where you could BELONG ANYWHERE and today Airbnb CEO, Brian, has proved that the company stands by their philosophy.
My heart aches at the plight of the millions of refugees who have lost their homes and their familes but that the same time, when I see posts like these coming straight from the CEO in times of crisis, it melts my heart and I feel honored that I'm a part of this ONE BIG FAMILY which always has their door OPN to anyone from the WORLD regardless of their religion, country, race or sexual preference.
It's not just aboubt running profitable companies but Airbnb has truely displayed it's responsibility towards the society we live it! #PROUDHOST
(Hit the thumbs up button below if you echo the same feelings and want this message to reach maximum hosts)