batch Cooking by guests ?

Level 4
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

batch Cooking by guests ?

I had have a single girl stay with me for one month , she was working for a big bank nearby , I allowed her free use of the kicthen  to batch cook & freeze  her evening meals . This was supposed to be for convienience as she was too tired to prep a meal after work , 

The guest then started to come home at lunch times & ate 3 meals a day here . I pointed out to her that i incured the additional costs involved , (she would also often shower again too ) & that I wasnt comfortable with  energy costs for  the 3 meals a day 7 days a week  . She became very surly & rude saying that it was negible to ping a meal in a microwave . She was very heavy handed & caused damage to my oven but i couldnt accuse her because i hadnt seen her do it , 

She left the front door ajar on several occasions & one morning i found the key`s still in the lock overnight . Anyone could have walked past & taken them ! She flew into a rage when I asked her to return my key & refused to give it back , She packed & left , i didnt ask her to go , but she wanted a refund whicj i refused and has kept my keys ,  

Any advice ? I know where she works but have no forwarding address for her ??  

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Templeton, CA

Sounds like you did the right thing.  If she wants a refund, she'll have to contact Airbnb.  By the way, you don't have any House Rules. It is important to have them so guests can see what they can or cannot do.  Also House Rules help Airbnb assess guest complaints.  Can I bring a dog? Can I invite friends over?  Do you have a maximum number of guests? How about small children/babies? Can I throw a party?  All these things you need to consider. You might search for listings similar to yours and read their house rules.  I'm sure you'll see topics that you haven't considered before.  Good Luck!

Level 4
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

thanks for the reply Claire , Im learning the ropes & this was my first troublesome guest ,  I know questions to ask now .