guest without photo, review or profil description

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

guest without photo, review or profil description


Someone just booked my flat for one week but he has no profil photo, no review (but he is registered since 2014) and no profil description. He has already booked my flat because I have automatic booking available for my flat (I cannot turn it off). Can I request more information from the guest now? And what I request? Photo, ID scan? Thanks for your help!
2 Replies 2
Level 2
Galway, Ireland

well for starters id turn of instabook , 

go to dash board 

Then Listing

Click the menu bars in the top left and go to booking

then click on the option that all guest have to wait for your response before booking

Edit your profile on what you require ive qa strict booking policy .you can read my profile thorughout to see I dont accept people with no full profile pics, I dont accept guest who dont have at least 2 reviews or 4 verfications passport id been esential. id decline this guest you do have that option to cancel , state your reason as you dont feel comfortable with this guest.. 

Level 3
Danville, CA

I don't have a profile picture, for privacy reasons. Anyone on this site could see it & I just feel better not showing it. I am a very trustworthy guest, and you would really be losing out if you were to follow the advice to decline bookings en masse just because someone hasn't disclosed a ton of information for public consumption.


Usually when I request a booking, I explain that I am happy to send pictures of myself and my husband, as well as provide additional information about my background. Sometimes I forget, with all the back & forth, but I do try to talk about myself when I request the booking.


I suggest sending a polite message asking the guest to provide more information (maybe specifics about what you would like to know.) I am happy to send a picture once I'm booked, so that the hosts can confirm our identities, anyone who refused that would be unreasonable. If the person is unresponsive, since you are in a time crunch to approve the booking, ask the person to call you so you can get acquainted. Anyone with some sense will be happy to comply if he wants the booking!


Ultimately it is the responsibility of the guest to make sure the host is comfortable having them in his or her home.