how to change bank details

Level 1
Saint-Lô, France

how to change bank details

I have recently sold my B&B and the new owners would like to take over my Airbnb listing with it's reviews.  Does anyone know if this is possible?  Or do they have to start from scratch?!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Sally56 You'll need Airbnb's assistance to transfer your listing to the new host, however I'm quite certain the the reviews will not transfer with the listing since reviews are attached to the host, in this case, you.  Click on the link below to see all the ways to get in touch with Airbnb.



Level 2
San Rafael, CA

Level 10
Edmonton, Canada



Sorry but Airbnb will not transfer listings or reviews to a new owner.  You will need to delete the listing the the new hosts will need to re-create the listing from scratch.



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