why the Airbnb calculation tool is ignoring the 15% monthly discount ??????

why the Airbnb calculation tool is ignoring the 15% monthly discount ??????

Hi I'm intrested by this room:


I want to rent it for a duration of several monthes, there is a monthly discount of 15%.

The problem is that the Airbnb calculation tool don't  considere this discount of 15%

Where is the discount please? why the  Airbnb calculation tool is ignoring this discount?

It is really frustrating!!!!!!

5 Replies 5
Level 10
New York, NY

Hi @Houssem-Eddine0

I can see the discount with no problems...




Hi thank you for your respnse

For me it's not shown!

I tried an other browser but I have the same result!

It seem that the discount is calculated but not shown.



Capture.JPGIt is calculated but not shown

Hi thank you for your respnse

For me it's not shown (image below)!

I tried an other browser but I have the same result!

It seem that the discount is calculated but not shown.

Have a nice day!



problem there...

Contact Airbnb so they can help you with the booking... Clearly is a bug or something we don't know yet...


I wish there was wa easy way to contact Airbnb CS from the Community Center, Some times @Lizzie helps us forwarding it to them...


But you can contact Airbnb CS via twitter @AirbnbHelp or calling them 

United States 415-800-5959
855-424-7262 (toll-free)





Thank you Luis!