
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

[GAME] Cities emoji quiz

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

[GAME] Cities emoji quiz



Hey all,


I heard you’re all quite fond of games, specifically emoji quizzes, and this time it’s my turn! A little getaway is sometimes just the thing you need to get rid of those January blues still lingering about, so that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Let’s explore some cities around the world!


Can you identify the cities below by their emoji representation?



Cities emoji quiz.png


Have fun! 





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61 Replies 61

😂 @Sybe !

Level 10
Clearwater, KS

19- Singapore

“It’s not where you go, it’s who you meet along the way.” Wizard of Oz
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Michelle1164  Perfect! One of the only city-states in the world together with Monaco and Vatican City.😃



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Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

12 - Portsmouth ?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Till-and-Jutta0 You're on a roll 😃  Portsmouth is correct!



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Level 10
New York, NY

I may be reaching here, but is 15 Brisbane @Sybe?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Ann72 I'm afraid that's incorrect! Australia and country of the correct answer are connected in a way though... 



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Oh no!  I will have to rethink the whole thing, but I'm stumped right now.  However, may I add that 2 is Paris and 20 is Naples?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Ann72 Paris and Naples are correct. 😃



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Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



20 - Montreal (?)


explanation: the stories in a recent book "The Sleep of Apples" are located in Montreal

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands




16 - Amsterdam


explanation: Hamster  + dame

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Emiel1 Amsterdam is correct, though 20 is Naples as guessed by @Ann72 . I like your thinking though, we might need to add another layer of difficulty to these quizzes next time. 🤔



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Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


So now i created one for you (and your team)!






@Emiel1 Bucharest??


Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Very well: Yes !


(I will create another one for @Sybe )