Analysis of my 25% refund

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Analysis of my 25% refund

I received my CSV file today. Here are 4 big issues/mistakes I discovered:


  1. Reservations cancelled before 03/15 were refunded to guests in full however were not part of my payout
  2. Most of dollar amounts make no sense and do not match the reservation amount, with or without cleaning fee and taxes
  3. Most refunds within 7 days were still treated as over 7 days (12.5% back instead of 25%)
  4. Reservations cancelled after a certain date were not included (but I hear they are supposed to come in batches so I will not worry about it for now)

I have 30 cancelled reservations so I do not even know how I will begin to straighten it with airbnb. One cancellation at a time? With their rate of response, it will take a year

48 Replies 48
Level 10
Dublin, Ireland

@Inna22 Thank you Inna. Its good info which we should all start sharing among us.  

Airbnb are Snakes.
Level 10
Dublin, Ireland


You wrote "I have 30 cancelled reservations so I do not even know how I will begin to straighten it with Airbnb" 


Almost every host in the scores of hosts I've spoken with about this over the past few days have had the same experiences - missing payouts, eligible bookings being excluded, only 12.5% paid where 25% was due (inside the 7 days), much lower amounts than expected, unfathomable calculations etc etc. As always, chaos and confusion reigns supreme.


Unfortunately though, sorting it out with Airbnb doesn't appear to be a possibility at all - more a case of "Here's a few measly but glowingly-publicised crumbs from the table to shut everyone up, while cunningly attempting to indemnify ourselves from you peasants being able to take legal action against us"


From Airbnb's communication on the Support Fund..


***Note: Community Support does not have information about your payments, so there’s no need to contact Airbnb to check on the status of processing***


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

My payouts all seem to be correct.

@Inna22 I suspect your cancellations prior to March 15th were cancelled under the old EC policy and Airbnb may well argue this doesn't qualify for a 12.5% payout.

@Mike-And-Jane0 I am pretty sure I remember a blurb about 25% going back and covering all covid cancellations on or after march 13 but it could also be dreams overtaking reality.

@Inna22    The Message I received said BEFORE March 14


"Support payments will be made for reservations booked on or before March 14 with a check-in date between March 14 and May 31, 2020, that were canceled by the guest for COVID-19 related reasons under our extenuating circumstances policy."

Level 1
Newport, RI

I am beyond frustrated between this 25%  mess and the mysterious  "host grant" that no one seems to get "invited" to apply for. I received less than half of what I was owed - I was paid for 3 "qualifying" cancellations but  5 other high dollar cancellations  didn't qualify for some mysterious reason. These were all reserved before March 14, cancelled due to COVID and were between March 14 and April 8th - the supposed "first batch".  ALL of the subsequent qualifying cancellations indicated that they were "NOT applicable". My assumption/hope is that's because they're all check-ins after April 8th - the cut off for the "batch" but it's a mystery. 


I'm very frustrated by the lack of transparency of the algorithm's for determining payment. I've called over and over - and get a different explanation every time.  They made this grand announcement about giving us 25% of the cancellations. So far - I've received 6% of the 25%. 


I'm tired of fighting for pennies after losing tens of thousands in an instant.  

@Julie3430 a number of reservations I did get back for where for May so this April 8 date makes no sense. There were incorrect payments in terms of the amount, but they were included in the file

Yes, this is a joke. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



This is troubling but somehow not that surprising. I think many of us will have messes to sort out with these payments, so once again the phone lines will be tied up and it will take forever to get sensible answers from the reps who will not have had the proper training to deal with our questions.

Level 10
Orlando, FL

@Inna22 There seems to be another category for us: cancelled prior to March 14 with what should have been a payout to the host, but then later Airbnb went back and applied the full refund under the Covid-19 policy. We have several of those where we should have gotten a payout, but aren't and now it "doesn't qualify". 

@Amy-and-Brian0 yes, I have to of those as well and I bundled them with my category 1. 

@Inna22 and if you have an abacus on how they figured the payout amounts, that might work as a standard calculator and math doesn't seem to. The way they figured the payouts is worse than how they present a bill at a restaurant in Rome.

@Amy-and-Brian0 I think the direction to staff was: think of number, any number, lower that the actual total owed but higher than a zero. Make sure it is not a round number so more likely to appear calculated. 

I had the sweetest guest cancel for her March 17 trip, then she requested for me to keep the full amount bc it’s my livelihood. Airbnb went behind my back and took half the pay out. They sent me the other half. It’s splitsy one of their new policies??