I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers...
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I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers who want to enjoy the space and just relax, not just have a plac...
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We have great neighbors at our ABB. There is the family that adjoins our property ("Hot Neighbor" and his wife and kid -- thanks to @Anonymous for that moniker, undeserved though it is) the law enforcement guy a few doors down and a family across the street. We aren't really close to the across the street folks but have had them over a few times. They have occasionally had friends and relatives book our place as they have a tiny little house and a large family.
They have some friends arriving who they have not seen in awhile and asked if they could set up an outdoor movie screen for them. I said sure, no problem. Today the guy messaged me and asked if they could bring over a portable hot tub. Uhhh....no. Too much liability and I don't want dead grass/a big swamp from the water when its broken down. He then starts to describe the relationship with the friends and how he really wants the hot tub.....the only thing in my head is the SNL skit with Will Farrell and Rachel Dratch...
We said no. And now he may not do the movie screen. So just do the math on what the plan was for the film to be watched. LOL. Some people need to keep this stuff at home but I guess there are a lot of kids to deal with....
I didn’t know there were portable hot tubs either and I’m not happy to find out that there are.
I suppose that was invented for the modern “glamper” who really doesn’t want to go anywhere without all the conveniences of their urban home.
Something like that could run your electric bill up to insane levels in a few days, and around here you could expect a visit from the county sheriff, wondering if you were growing something in your basement.
I guess we have to add to the house rules something like: “Absolutely NO portable hot tubs, saunas, air conditioners, heaters or other electrical appliances allowed.”
And I thought I had it bad with someone wanting a jolly jumper for their kids!
That could well turn into a disaster. I can imagine broken limbs, heads, puke flying everywhere…and, naturally, it would be ALL YOUR FAULT.
@Brian2036I got injured on one of those as a kid, so they're banned anyways! But yes, very dangerous and most homeowner's insurance policies out here that I've seen exclude them because of that.
@Ryan2352 How did you get injured on one when you were a kid? I think you're maybe confusing them with something else.
A Jolly Jumper is something you strap a baby into that hangs securely from a frame or doorway. They are only used for babies from 3 months old to the time they start to walk and have a maximum weight limit. Most parents only use them for a little while before the baby can crawl. They just bounce up and down in them, pushing off the floor with their toes.
My babies loved them and so did my grandkids.
Now I'm not suggesting that you provide them for guests, by any means- who knows what negligent parent might fail to strap the baby in properly, or not check to see that it's securely fastened.
But they aren't inherently dangerous.
Those baby walkers with wheels are, though. Babies have tumbled down the stairs in them when the parents weren't watching.
Hi @Sarah977, I see the confusion. Out here bounce houses are called Jolly Jumpers, probably because the main rental company out here is "Jolly Jumps" as shown in the picture below from Jolly Jumps D O T com, located one city away. I just figured that's what everyone called them. The request was also part of a (rejected) rental inquiry for a kids' birthday party. These things are pretty much verboten on every insurance policy around.
@Ryan2352 Haha, yes definitely not the same thing. People might call those things Jolly Jumpers, but I'm sure the name is trademarked.
This is an actual Jolly Jumper.
Thanks @Sarah977 Name is probably trade marked, which is why the company out here is Jolly Jumps.
@Laura2592 @Ryan2352 @Brian2036 @Sarah977 @Kelly149 I died a thousand deaths watching that sketch, so funny and cringey!
I got a text last night from the neighbor showing (and I am NOT making this up) Deliverance being played on the projection screen in our yard. It took me until today to figure out what movie it was as I have only seen it once years ago in a film class.
Do. Not. Want. To. Know.
“Squeal, Piggy!”
In this area perhaps offering that video to problem guests would help them decide to leave early.
@Laura2592 "got a text last night from the neighbor showing (and I am NOT making this up) Deliverance being played on the projection screen in our yard."
Just a little light summer evening entertainment, huh? I hope there's no kids out there watching it.
I must sadly admit that this is one movie on my must watch list that I have not seen yet. 😞
At least it wasn't an X-Rated movie. When TVs in the back of headsets were new some guy in town was pulled over for having hardcore porn playing on them as he drove around town.