And now its getting even WEIRDER

Level 10
Frederick, MD

And now its getting even WEIRDER

We have great neighbors at our ABB. There is the family that adjoins our property ("Hot Neighbor" and his wife and kid -- thanks to @Anonymous  for that moniker, undeserved though it is) the law enforcement guy a few doors down and a family across the street. We aren't really close to the across the street folks but have had them over a few times. They have occasionally had friends and relatives book our place as they have a tiny little house and a large family. 


They have some friends arriving who they have not seen in awhile and asked if they could set up an outdoor movie screen for them. I said sure, no problem. Today the guy messaged me and asked if they could bring over a portable hot tub. Too much liability and I don't want dead grass/a big swamp from the water when its broken down. He then starts to describe the relationship with the friends and how he really wants the hot tub.....the only thing in my head is the SNL skit with Will Farrell and Rachel Dratch...


We said no. And now he may not do the movie screen. So just do the math on what the plan was for the film to be watched. LOL. Some people need to keep this stuff at home but I guess there are a lot of kids to deal with....



36 Replies 36
Level 10
Frederick, MD

Sigh. Now for the review.  Im here cleaning after the cleaning crew because of the mess.


Heat turned on in August.  95 when the cleaning crew got here.


Broken hat rack 


Muddy child sized footprints on the kitchen table 


Disgusting microwave with sticky brown sauce swirling in the carousel 


Everything out of place,  pillows piled up like a poltergeist movie 


Coffee spilled all over the counter 


All toilet paper and paper towels used in a 2 night stay. All coffee mugs (7) and 3/4 of dishes and utensils in the dishwasher...2 full cycles needed


All outdoor furniture moved/not put back 


Four big bags of trash (2 night stay)


Several left behind objects 


I think association with hot tub neighbor is now a reason for your booking to be rejected....

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Guests and their friends and children provided a splendid example of how not to behave in someone else’s home.


So sorry! Ugh, Ack, Yuck...move on, right? 

@Kitty-and-Creek0 yep. Glad they are out. Gonna mull over the review.  I have some time. By all accounts and the guest book note our place was 'the nicest place we ever stayed.'  I do wonder how they keep their own home. 


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Laura2592 95 degrees in  August? Or anytime of year, for that matter. Probably let the kids fiddle with the dial, because I can't imagine anyone choosing to live in that temp.


You poor dear. What total jerks.


I love Brian's suggested review. With 1* all the way.


I don't think I would ever accept guests who were friends or rellies of neighbors I didn't have a close relationship with, and feel confident that they wouldn't send awful people to my place. Just too much potential for neighborhood strife.

@Sarah977 that's just the thing.  We have hosted stays 3 other times for this neighbor. His mom and two other couples who were friends. All very nice guests. But no one came with a hot tub request. I have a feeling these were very special friends.  And from the look of things the kids ran wild while their parents did other stuff. They are certainly not welcome back. 

@Laura2592  I didn't realize they had sent you nice guests before. 

But I did seem to understand that these are not neighbors you have a particularly close relationship with. So that's the reason I was talking about that.


I know some of my neighbors well, they are friends, and I know they would never send me anyone bad. And if their friends did make a mess or wreck things, I would be able to easily talk to them about it and they would make it right- help me clean, repair or replace damaged stuff. I'd be hesitant to take on guests who were friends of neighbors I didn't have that sort of relationship with.