Anulare rezervare / Cancel reservation

Level 2
Bucharest, Romania

Anulare rezervare / Cancel reservation

Buna seara! Am avut o rezervare de 2 persoane pentru 28 zile , de la un tip **, ei de fapt au venit 4 , cei doi care erau pe rezervare, iar după 2 zile au apărut cu multe bagaje și 2 tipe tot **! Oamenii sau apucat de petreceri noaptea la ora 02:00 cu muzica , gălăgie băuturi și bineînțeles droguri (marijuana,etc)!! Iar eu după 3 -4 zile am cerut anularea rezervării la Air bnb și nu am găsit pe nimeni de la air bnb sa îmi explice **bleep** sta treabă după povestea aceasta!! Acel tip care a făcut rezervarea tot o ținea pe a lui a doua zi că el sta singur in apartament, nu a făcut gălăgie, nu a avut invitați etc, el nu știa că eu stau tot în aceași clădire, iar a doua zi mă rugam de el sa părăsească apartamentul și nu mai vroia , era și beat și drogat! Au făcut mizerie , au lăsat gunoi , au fumat in apartament, au distrus uși , colțar masa tot ce au putut!! Acum nu înțeleg de la air bnb care este procedura! Eu aș dori macar sa primesc banii pe zilele in care au stat și taxa de  curățenie și reparații ulterioare și să se deblocheze calendarul!! Nu mai înțeleg nimic!! Daca cineva are un răspuns sa mă poate ajuta as fii recunoscător! Mulțumesc!!


Google Translation provided by Community Manager: 
Good evening! I had a reservation for 2 people for 28 days, from a guy **, they actually came 4, the two who were on the reservation, and after 2 days they appeared with a lot of luggage and 2 girls **! People started partying at night at 02:00 with music, noise, drinks and of course drugs (marijuana, etc.)!! And after 3-4 days I asked to cancel the reservation at Air bnb and I couldn't find anyone from air bnb to explain to me **bleep** what's up after this story!! The guy who made the reservation still kept his the next day because he was staying alone in the apartment, he didn't make any noise, he didn't have guests, etc., he didn't know that I was still staying in the same building, and the next day I was praying for him to leave the apartment and he didn't want to, he was also drunk and drugged! They made a mess, left garbage, smoked in the apartment, destroyed doors, cornered the table as much as they could!! Now I don't understand from air bnb what is the procedure! I would at least like to receive the money for the days on which the cleaning fee and subsequent repairs stayed and to unlock the calendar!! I no longer understand anything!! If anyone has an answer to help me I would be grateful! Thank you!!


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2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Marian3438,


Sorry to hear of your recent experience. Have you had a resolution/support from Airbnb regarding this? 



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I wait the response of solution