Any advice to grow bookings ?

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Any advice to grow bookings ?

I’ve gotten far fewer bookings this year versus past holiday seasons. My pricing is slightly higher but still competitive for my Neighborhood. The flat was refurbished last month and the photos are largely the same ones I secured lots of guests with in the past. So I’m truly stumped! 

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nina1625 The rates may be competitive but if there are say 30% more properties in your area then bookings could be down roughly 30%. Without paying for data from I don't think you'll be able to find out what the issue is.

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Nina1625 


If  you have refurbished your house recently then I would definitely take new photos to reflect these changes!  Competition has increased for most of us, all over the world, so we have to make sure our listings/descriptions are top notch.  By updating  your photos and making some alterations in your description, this may give your listing a boost as the algorithm with detect these updates and should push you further up in the search results.


In the section "Where you'll sleep" for the second bedroom, there is a picture of a glass table rather than a picture of the bed.  You can select a different photo so that guests can see where they would be sleeping.


The first five photos are your most important ones so make sure you select them accordingly.  


All the best


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

As you're probably aware London is a massively oversaturated market so many London hosts are struggling to get bookings - this couple with falling demand due to the recession is making it a tough market. @Nina1625 


the best way to drive bookings is to list on all appropriate STR channels and invest in taking your own direct bookings. 

Level 10
Helena-West Helena, AR

Try adding updated photos from after that refurbishment ! You can even 'introduce' the new decor by stating, "Redesigned bedroom decor in Master" or "Come check out our new styling in the plush living room"..

Give the photos another look; there are a couple repeats of virtually the same room/angles. Retake from across the room or replace with another upclose photo 🙂


Level 8
Almaty, Kazakhstan

@Nina1625 I experienced the same this autumn, especially in October, almost no reservations. What I did is I started allowing guests with pets. A few days later, I received a request from a couple with a cat, they booked for almost 3 weeks in total. 😊 Hope it helps!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Nina1625 , I just came across your post and saw so many great pieces of advice from our lovely Hosts 😍. Have you considered allowing guests with pets as suggested by @Muslim4, or maybe updating some photos as mentioned by @Cheri354? There are so many more great pieces of advice here, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on them and if you are thinking of implementing any?


Keep us posted.



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