Hi there, I am in the wrong end of a malicious reimbursement...
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Hi there, I am in the wrong end of a malicious reimbursement request from a host. The host started a case a few days after we...
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Asking this as a guest with 10 years experience on the platform.
I've recently cancelled a booking 30 minutes after arriving to the apartment - realizing that it didn't match what I expected. Unfortunate but such things happen. The host got very upset with us despite getting paid for 2 nights (that was the cancellation policy, we spent a total of 90 minutes in the flat since he checked us in early).
Immediately after the cancellation (we checked out and left the key) he messaged me to say that this is disrespectful to him and he demands to be compensated, to which I replied that I'm sorry but he did get the money according to the cancellation policy.
Following that he left a negative review which isn't that bad "can't recommend" but flagged me as "disrespectful" and "unapproved guests". This part is what drives me crazy: apparently AirBnB support doesn't consider this flag as something that can be reported or removed. I can accept "disrespectful" as a subjective opinion but "unapproved guests" feels like something that needs to be backed with SOME shred of evidence.
I am now very worried that this will either hurt me getting approved by future hosts (even though I have 39 other positive reviews) OR that it can actually block me from features like "instant booking" which I use often to ensure I have a place to stay.
This is partially me venting and partially me asking if you had such cases (either as a host or a guest) and what's the best way to deal with it besides what I was told by support which is basically "ask the host to remove it" (uh, if communication could solve this we wouldn't be in this mess) or just hope that the other positive reviews are good enough (again - when I book a place I read ALL the reviews attentively and I expect good hosts to do the same).
@Frankie109 I fear you will not get the review removed. Airbnb does not arbitrate the honesty of reviews.
You could comment on it but that might actually draw attention to it. If you were booking my place I would not be worried by the review as you have way more excellent reviews and when I click through to the review you left Biser I can see why you got a bad review.
I don't think your ability to Instant Book is affected by one bad review but I am afraid you will have to find out the hard way if it is or not.
@Frankie109 as Mike and Jane remarked the review that you left Biser was pretty awful so how about this . Ring or text Biser and ask if he would like you to remove the review that you left. I am sure that he would because it is awful really . Its not as if you did not see the rooms on line before you booked. In future take more care before you book . Something may not be suitable for you but that does not mean , obviously from the hosts other reviews, it will not suit others.The host would not have known if the terms and conditions were being followed or if any payment would be made at the time. Do consider the damage that your review may have done to the host because you changed your mind and decided to say unkind things which may or may not have been true.when reviews are removed through agreement with both host and guest then it all goes , bits are not kept.If your rating is important to you then consider how much more important it is to a host trying to make a living by allowing guests into their own home... H
@Helen744 You seem to be advocating that @Frankie109 and Biser mutually agree to remove their bad reviews. This is surely contrary to Airbnb policy and also destroys the integrity (what little there is) of the review system.
You'll be surprised but the official support people of AirBnB suggested something similar. I find this incredibly odd since I thought the whole point of mutual reviews is to let people know what your experience was. That's what all the prompts for review say as well as their support articles.
@Mike-and -Jane More like a agree to disagree or a kiss and makeup because it seems both parties were offended by each others attitude which was precipitated by mutual misunderstanding resulting in not one but two retalitory reviews.It is within the rules.It is just generally one side has a greivance , in this case I suspect both do..have you read their mutual reviews , very tit for tat and certainly only they would really know that... H
also if you look at Bisers review he simply says 'cant recommend' whereas Frankie actually calls Biser "a liar."This review could be removed by Biser alone as it brings him and his hosting into disrepute personally . I am not dealing with or recommending to Biser to ask for this review to be removed but if he asked me , as many who receive 'bad reviews' as hosts on this page actually do ,"after" the event , I would suggest he ask for its removal for that reason. Frankie as a guest has the same rights but should not be surprised if the host did not give him five stars or whatever he expected for not only 'going with his gut ' because he found 'hair in a drawer. Must have spent some time looking I guess in the drawers as well as horrors , old furniture and a damp wash basin. None of these really a reason to cancel ,In my opinion. I am neither Frankie or Biser. They are neither my guests or am I staying with either ,. this is advice only.IF Frankie was my guest and he left me this review , I would try and have it removed,in Frankies case If I felt as he seems to , bewildered that he cannot say 'derogatory things' about his host and call him a 'liar ' then I do suggest that he apologise to the host and assist the host to have this review removed. The fact it will also be to his benefit is irrelevant ... H
also Frankie another guest was with you as it is stated in your review as you constantly say 'we' as in 'we decided' "we left'. The host who "did not speak English' arranged for you to access the space one hour early and then went to bring you towels ,which understandably were not there an hour before checkin , which would also be a reasonable reason for a damp handbasin , that may have just been washed down . All up you stayed in the accommodation 30 mins , used the bathroom and moved on and gave the host a bad review after cancelling. I do hope you found somewhere else to stay, as it would have been awful to be stranded because you could not find anywhere ? .. H
@Mike-and -Jane0 I think the ruling applies when you are hosting , and means that you cannot influence the review of your guest, either by asking for all fives or even having the 'explanations of how the review system works' , which many hosts seem to have . This is after the event and has only to do with the strict removal terms and is not influenced by either the guest or the host but by the 'review rulings' as arbitrated by Airbnb.I do not suggest things but hope it is clear ... H
You misunderstood the situation. I cancelled the listing and did not leave a review at all. I was then contacted by the host who demanded compensation *beyond* the cancellation policy (he got two nights' pay automatically, I was refunded the rest - this all happened according to the cancellation fee he set). After that he wrote his review that included the flag "unauthorized guests" which is plain and simple a lie. I wrote my review only after that.
As for making a living - I'm sorry but every working person, me included, is trying to make a living. I never thought that should protect me from experiencing consequences over my actions. If you provide a bad service in a platform that allows reviews - don't think that just the fact you are there to earn money means it should not be possible to get a bad review.
Oftentimes emotions can changed a triviality, that can be dismissed easily, into a serious 'issue'. You came, you didn't feel comfortable and decided to leave. The host happens to have a very solid record himself like you, so one could surmise it was not a match made in heaven. However, a 'The place didn't meet our expectations' possible review became an unnecessary treatise to prove you were 'right' and the host was 'wrong'. A pity.
I think that you're missing the point. "Unauthorized guests" isn't about feelings. Either I thought unauthorized guests into the listing or I didn't. It's not a subjective opinion. In this case this flag was selected as a retaliation for me cancelling. To me this seems outrageous. I was upset with the host but I never would have just marked "had a pet in the flat" just to damage him because it didn't happen.
I should add that he marked "unauthorized guests" before I even wrote my review.
Granted the 'unauthorized guest' contention is a bit confusing.
My point is: make light of conflict publicly, but then work calmly to correct a situation via using logic and appealing to self-interest with the parties involved.
Hi @Frankie109
Just confirming I've passed the details of your concerns over to the team, and asked them to review and get in touch with you. I can't promise it'll change anything but it's worth a shot.
Thanks to @Fred13, @Helen744, and @Mike-And-Jane0 for sharing their thoughts and advice which I hope you've found useful.
Feel free to pop back and let us know once you've heard back from the team.
I'm really shocked to see your post after reading the truly awful review you left for this host. @Frankie109 You express such concern about the host's review affecting you, when yours was so much more damaging to the host.
According to your post and review you decided contrary to Airbnb's T&Cs to leave the apartment without giving the host an opportunity to fix your concerns around the bathroom because 'The old furniture looked interesting but didn’t suit us working for hours from home as we had planned'. This is furniture that you would have seen on the listing when you booked.
Absolutely the host should offer guests a listing which is cleaned to a good standard but you as the guest should act reasonably too.
You decided to leave a truly awful review of the listing. without giving the host an opportunity to address the issues, whereas all the host wrote was 'cannot recommend'.
I certainly wouldn't host you. Not because of the review the host left you but because of the review you left the host.