Hi Everyone,
We have a guest that has significant mood swings which goes from hyper-communicative to complete shut down. During those "down" times she tends to wear a coat outside in 100 degree heat which resulted once in her collapsing in the street and a neighbor brought her home. During those episodes she takes our food and drinks which wouldn't be a big deal if she asked us. She exhibit some other behaviors that we didn't find comfortable either. When we tried to talk to her during the period when she seemed better about the whole situation she minimized it, didn't share anything with us or admitted to anything. We do not feel threatened by any means. But we are worried and don't feel equipped to deal with this situation. We host in our home and we have another guest now as well. We haven't brought it up with AirBNB yet. Any advice on the matter would be very much recommended as she has over a month of stay with us.