Bad false review by host

Bad false review by host

Hi there,


I'm just wondering has anyone else had a false review as a guest? I'm genuinely really upset and annoyed. I've expressed this to air BNB and so far nothing being done all day I've tried. 


We were there 3days but up early and gone doing activities only back late at night. The hosts had ample opportunities to approach us or express concern and never did and in fact could have easily done so and I would have happily obliged but it is very unfair that people can literally slander people on this, like this is a huge company and very little can do.


They stated we smoked in the chalet and we didn't anytime I smoked was outside of it never left a mess, cleaned up butts and I hike so I'm very serious about that and leaving no trace in fact during my stay I even brought little lunch bags to dispose of them in public bins in village. They had to fix the shower switch was faulty stopped midway of my shower I had to wait until next late evening to wash my hair but I caused no fuss about it whatsoever  and never even mentioned it in my review I actually gave them a glowing one and when leaving the other guest next door kept giving us dirty looks as she walked ahead to the village but our chalets weren't joined and there was sperating partition between two chalets. The hosts never reached out only time I heard of their unhappiness was the untrue reviews. I left the place spotless and even lit scented candles left windows open I did all that without smoking in it I treated it like a hotel and went outside. It's absolutely outrageous that people can get away with slanderous reviews especially if they never even reached out to a guest or approached them, easily could they live next door to it. I mean surely that would be professional or if they had concerns they'd approach guest and let them know smoking wasn't permitted outside either only rules for inside, and sign inside but nothing about outside and they even had a shell that pubs were using as ashtrays outside on the table however I never used it. It's my first experience with air bnb and I'm extremely put off. I met the husband but never the wife and yet it was her that left slandering review. They never communicated about it or asked me anything, nothing whatsoever! Would they complain if I cooked in it? I'm part of a content creator club and I really wouldnt be recommend air bnb's to the club and there's about 300 of us girls in the club.


I just feel like air BNB favours hosts and shouldn't be that way reviews should be factual and accurate. But I find it odd how there's really no protection for people against this or how there had been no legal disputes in relation to it. 

12 Replies 12
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Unfortunately it's very hard to get the smoke completely off (your clothes, hair etc.) and it's easy to tell when a smoker stays in a room (even if he/she doesn't smoke in the room). The residual smoke can be hard/impossible to get rid of in the span of hours.


The reason the host didn't contact you, is because it may make the situation worse as some guests may lash out/demand refund/create trouble etc. so I see where they are coming from.


That said, I'm not sure if I would leave a negative review in that case? I'm the type to not leave a review in this case, but unfortunately your host left you a review to warn other hosts, which is also fair. 


In my opinion, the better thing to do would be to stay in a hotel room where smoking is permitted, as they often have a better protocol to deal with it. Airbnb listings where it states smoking not permitted usually don't have a good way to quickly deal with residual smoke. 

I do understand that point but they stated I broke rules. I didn't, I didn't smoke inside at all and I'd have had no problems clarifying or obliging them as I said they approached me or said anything I'm sure if it was a huge issue they would have like any person would just immature and extremely unprofessional to go about it way they have but it's the blatant lie that bothers me and the lengths of efforts I went to when many wouldnt and don't, very difficult to oblige them so far as to have a shower prior to using the bed with shower broke but to go so far as to lie and say I smoked inside broke rules I did nothing of the sort. I didn't complain permanent hair dye stains left on floor by prior guests and in fairness they'd have had to wash sheets from other guests like I have told some friends and they're shocked very not picky and very biased.  Maybe they should ban smokers altogether so. I won't be using air BNB again. A friend also had similar experience she hasn't used them in 10 years and she doesn't smoke.

The review didn't actually state that you smoked inside or that you broke house rules. It said you smoked "on" the chalet which implies to the reader that you smoked on their patio/balcony etc. or at least that's what it seemed to me. 


Also in their house rules it states 'No Smoking'. To me this means no smoking on the premises, whether indoors or outdoors.




I agree that if they wanted , they could have made it more explicit and less of a grey-area. But it could definitely be interpreted to mean on the premises which includes the patio/balcony area for sure  as-is.


I don't think it can be interpreted that way at all as there is a no smoking sign inside but not outside and shell on the table outside very same as ones used for ash trays in the local pubs but of course I didn't use that just stubbed them out without leaving any marks on stones and used lunch bags dispose and as I said they had ample opportunity to simply say if I didn't mind smoking at the gate I'd of course happily would have obliged. 

To be quite honest if they're hosting years you'd think they'd be adabt in communicating with people fact I didn't make slightest fuss about the shower should have shown they could easily approached simply said if I could smoke at the gate wouldn't been an issue. 

I just wasn't quick enough to state the efforts I made in my reply. I just wasn't expecting it and my first experience isn't great tbh and people I have said it too agreed it's outrageous and way too harsh. 

Prior to leaving I even got a text instructions to leaving and even stated many thanks and hope I enjoyed my stay. To be honest I met and dealt with the husband but was wife left horrible review

Thanks though you seem to respond to a lot of people's concerns and queries so I appreciate it taking the time too

I really don't think it's fair if it's actually inaccurate the issue was stated I smoked in the chalet not that I'm a smoker, I didn't smoke in it. I'd say the shower stopping more bothersome and many wouldn't have had huge issue I made none whatsoever I didn't even put in review so I think I shall in other things in future....lesson learned!

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Yep, I just experienced it the first time ever. I wrote an honest review (3*), I wrote what I liked and what I didn't like. The host called me and screamed at me for 15 minutes and didn't even let me talk! Then she texted me the whole day saying I am a liar and a thief because I didn't pay the extra $100 for renting her RV for 2 guests who wanted to come and visit us. I DID pay and Airbnb can see that too. In my review I mentioned they should change the floor from carpet to tiles or hardwood floor because it just gives you the dirty feeling. It's a dog friendly place so I am not surprised and understand some dogs pee and even poop in the house so it's just better to have hard floor that can be cleaned easily. 
Anyhow, she replied to my review that I am a liar and a thief and my dog messed up their carpet. lol. My dog is 6 yrs old and the last time she peed in the house was when she was 3 months old. She can hold her pee for 20 hours which we noticed when she didn't want to go out to pee when it rained (this was back home). I also wrote the cabin is close to town so it can get a bit noisy sometimes. because of this, she said in her review that my friends came with motorcycles and we disturbed the noise. My friends (age 57 and 65, both engineers) rode their original and not modified loud motorcycles up to us, parked them and didn't touch the bikes until they left the next day. 
She sent me several very mean messages, she wrote a terrible reply to my review, she called me names etc. I reached out to Airbnb and told them about it. I have proof of paying. I have people who heard her screaming at me. I have print screens of her messages. So I am hoping they will do something about this. This lady should not be allowed to be a host. 

I think "no smoking" usually means no smoking anywhere on the premises.  If I was a host I would not be oaky at all with guests smoking outside on the lawn or patio or driveway or ...... anywhere at all.  The stench from cigarettes sticks to people and their clothes and contaminates any place that they go after they smoke.

Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Ursula374 , it’s unfortunate your first stay an Airbnb resulted in a bad review. We don’t allow smoking of any kind ( vaping etc…) and we actual specify that no smoking in or around/on property.


As a non smoker, I detest the smell of cigarettes (both my parents smoked for 30 years+ so you’d think I’d be use to it). Cigarette smoke gives me headaches and the smell is difficult is remove from fabric of any kind. Our unit is also 420 free (no marijuana smoking; medicinal or otherwise) and that is also stated on our house rules.  Yes,  marijuana scent is an other difficult scent to remove from a room. 

I agree that the host should have made it clearer that no smoking means no smoking in or around property. If I was a smoker and saw the signs etc… stating no smoking I would have asked for clarification (inside unit only or does it apply to entire property.

