Bad guest

Level 2
Brampton, Canada

Bad guest

Hi All,


I recently had a bad guest experience. Unfortunately she was staying with me for almost a month.

She did not follow my house rules to maintain cleanliness , slamming doors, disturbed us in quiet hours, argued when reminded her about house rules and the list goes on.

Few days before when she was about to end her reservation ; she argued and was very loud and instead started blaming me that you give me hard time cos I told her that you disturbed me last night and about cleanliness and instead threatened me to call police.

I had to tell her to leave cos of her this behaviour as she was creating nuisance and made difficult for me to be in my own home . I tried my best to cope with her for almost 26 days ( only 4 days left before her reservation ends)


When I reported this to Airbnb; now Airbnb wants proof of everything ( which is understandable) but we can’t have proof of everything such as when she was slamming doors, disturbed us in the night time, not maintained cleanliness etc. and due to this now my account is suspended for Airbnb investigation. 

Due to this incident, I am really scared to rent out to short term tenants. Any advise ! 

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Deep268 we don't do house shares but if we did we would limit the stay to 7 days. Any more is far too long if the guest is unpleasant.

Actually, I thought to keep it 30 days stay to avoid STR, but ofc did not know I had to deal with all this. I had few guest before too with 30 days stay but fortunately they were good guest and left happily. 

Agree .. I do Airbnb only 1-2 times a year only and did not want to get STR, so opted for long term stays. But , it gave me hard times so now have to think twice. 

As per new STR rules, short term stays have to be in our principal residence. Then , it means we will be sharing a place with the guest. 


Many Hosts do not allow long term stays for this reason (and many others). @Mike-And-Jane0 make a very good case for limiting home share stays to 7days (or less).