Being a Newbie Host

Being a Newbie Host

It is hoped that the description is clear and that it is understood that a private, self-contained apartment is what is available.  Additionally, the property is fruited, guests will have the option of picking whatever fruit in season.  Having read the review in the conversation, I do thank the Writer for the tip as it relates to not publishing the front of the house and do consider this valid so have made the change.  With regards to gift items of preservatives, would ask that if it is acceptable to simply pick fruits when they are in season (mangoes for example) and freeze for making juices when guests are in-house -- no preservatives, just freshly blended.  I rather like tips for newbie hosts which tells me that I am on the right track. Otherwise, any other tips within the ambit of the guidelines would be highly appreciated.  Just want to ensure that being here is a great experience for guests. Guide me making it so.

3 Replies 3

I can't tell you how many times people have told me that they're new to hosting. They're not sure what to do. They're not sure if they should be cleaning or cooking or having people over or what? There are so many different opinions out there. The first thing I would say is don't be afraid. Hosting is really fun and really rewarding for both parties involved. You might feel like you can't cook or clean but the truth is that the host doesn't have to do any of those things if they don't want to!

You're partly right, but if you don't keep your apartment in order, who will?

Found a good guide. If you're just starting to think about becoming a host, start here and follow these steps to give yourself the best chance of success.