Can I choose not to review?

Level 2
Burringbar, Australia

Can I choose not to review?

Hi, I’m interested to know what happens to my super host status if I choose not to review a guest.

I currently have a 5 star rating on this cottage however, my last guests had complaints from the moment they arrived.

These guests  sent long  messages throughout their stay starting with noise complaints - the music from guests in the other cottage which was turned off before I had even knocked on their door, it was 10.15pm. The following evening a neighbour celebrated his 72nd birthday, he ended the music at 11pm. The guests complained about this and also about the sound rain on the roof (I can’t fix that!).

Their complaints range from not supplying chocolates, wine or breakfast despite breakfast not being included in the booking (as it was I still provided 3 different cereals to choose from and 2 types of milk just in case they weren’t aware) to the size of the 3 seat sofa, the size of the king duvet and the outdoor chairs… it goes on and on. 

These guests  came with good reviews and left the place clean however, I’m reluctant to review them as they will undoubtably not rate the experience well and I will find myself being disadvantaged with the 5 star rating being dropped.

I’m aware I can always respond to their review but I fear it sounding petty and tit for tat. 
In situations like this I find the review system tricky and would appreciate your help/feedback.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Stephanie2177 choosing not to review will not affect your superhost status. It will also not prevent the guests from leaving their own review of you. Hopefully you will do your fellow hosts the kindness of warning them about these hyper-critical guests.


Re responding to a poor review, yes you don't want a tit-for-tat. Keep it short, factual, and professional, correcting errors of fact if any.

Thank you Lisa and Sarah, the information is very helpful. I was under the impression neither review was posted unless both parties respond, I’m glad to be made aware all reviews are posted regardless. And Colleen, I love your response, I’ll happily use these comments in my reviews!

Many thanks 


Level 10
Alberta, Canada


Reviews are double blind, so leaving a truthful but not altogether complimentary review for these guests will not result in a negative review in return, nor will it affect your superhost standing. The fact that they were unhappy with their stay is what may result in a less than favorable review for you, if they leave one.


There is no need to be scathing or mean, when composing a difficult review. For example: "X and Y were (insert anything nice you can say about them) however, I found them difficult to please and as they seem to be extremely sensitive to the slightest environmental noise, I would recommend them to hosts with bomb shelter type listings only." 


If they leave you a review, you can respond to it briefly and professionally and correct the record. Keep in mind your audience is future guests. "I regret that X and Y were annoyed that we didn't provide breakfast however, it is noted in the listing description that breakfast is not a provided offering. We encourage future guests to examine the listing carefully so that all expectations are clear.


You mention that these people came with good reviews. Consider that if their previous hosts were reluctant to review honestly, (or at all, as you are) then that may explain their good reviews. If other hosts had been honest, you may have saved yourself the grief of hosting these guests. Please warn future hosts. We need to do this for each other. Food for thought.



Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Stephanie2177  It sounds like you are under the mistaken impression that a guest's review will only be published if you also review. 


All reviews are published, regardless of whether you review or not.


A bad review is not nearly as damaging as most hosts seem to think it is. If you have lots of great, appreciative reviews, the bad review sticks out like a sore thumb and often makes the reviewer look bad, not the host. Guests aren't some group of stupid people- an outlier review isn't something they are going to take as the one to believe over the other 50 good reviews.


And sometimes having the opportunity to respond to a bad review can be to a host's advantage. If a guest leaves a review full of complaints about things that the host made clear in the listing info, and the host's response is "It's unfortunate that this guest did not bother to read through our listing information before booking, as all of the complaints voiced here were over things that are made clear in our listing description", as your responses appear on your review page, not the guest's, that makes future guests aware to make sure to read, not just look at the pretty photos and price.