Can we block guests from coming again?

Level 10
Lithia Springs, GA

Can we block guests from coming again?

Honestly, there's some guests that I wouldn't want to stay in my airbnb again. They always say... "we'll be back when we are in the area". BUt, some people just aren't a good fit. Especially, the ones who leave bad feedback and less than 5 stars. Why would they want to come back and why would we as hosts want them back to leave us another less than great review? 


Airbnb really pushes hosts to use instant book but that feature leaves hosts with zero ability to prescreen guests. 


Is there a way to block people from instant booking? If there isn't, there should be. 

97 Replies 97

Everytime I go to turn off my instant booking it gives me a message as though my listing will be placed at the bottom. Just makes it sound like you are placed in the dog house for choosing to do so. 

I have been off instant book for quite a while now and I love it. Having say over who comes and when they come is monumental. I do not want people just showing up unnannounced like they did when I had instant book. I don't feel as if my listing has slowed down due to the fact. 

I agree,

I did this about 6 months ago in advance of the opening season after the closures we had due to COVID, and it's the best, ABB keeps suggesting I switch back, but no way.  I've been able to weed out weirdos or odd requests. I am thankful this option is available now, especially here in Chile where certain regions were closed off to others where guests couldn't cross county lines but wanted to either way to get away, as it would get us in trouble if they were found out, so it was a nice option to be able to screen and refuse to ensure our safety and longevity.

I called on that message saying my listing would go to the bottom, the rep told me not to worry. I kept my Super Host and am happily off instant book.

Nothing changed. The rep was a host also and agreed he did not like instant book.

You're fined and lose super host if you cancel a guest.  

exactly, much better for your status to be able to decline a request than to have to cancel.


You can also configure the amount of time needed prior to booking.  I believe mine is you must book at least 1 day in advance, so up to 11:59 PM on the day before you can book the place for the following night.  Avoids any of these last minute situations.

We require the bookings at least 2 days before check in.  You need to give yourself more time.

Level 3
Winchester, VA

I totally agree with what you are saying and I think Airbnb needs to fix this! They do not hesitate to fee me and fee the guest so we should have more say in who stays. I live in Winchester, when I first started there may have been a dozen doing Airbnb, now I have over 100 and it’s a small community. We now have  competition and you end up bringing your rates down. Suddenly you find locals booking you for reasons I don’t want to mention. Yes it’s their right but I’m tired of hosting this type of clientele. It’s still my house and I should have a say without being penalized.  Airbnb needs a blocker and the guest will never know. If FB can do it Airbnb should be able to, it’s not like they aren’t making enough commission to figure this out. I had a host stay with me and he gave me other companies with the same services. I’m going to look into them because before when my rates were higher I had people from all over the world. Now I’m getting locals using it as a encounter spot for one night. They leave signs of all this but what can you say. One person said I just have to deal with it I opened my home. Very frustrating!!!!!!!!

About 2 night minimum On weekends only. That’s how I have mine.   They do not have the ‘right’ to book your place.  Yo I can discriminate all you want if it is not for race, age, etc.   Definitely take off instant book and deny people that don’t seem to read the rules.  Oh, there’s also the feature where they have to book a day or more ahead of time- not same day.  That could help.  And time of day.... I would think people are booking your place in the evening - maybe limit it to afternoon.  Good luck.  

I think your best bet is making it 2 night minimum, when we first opened we had one night because as a newbie you're hoping people will check out your place, but we noticed we several nightmare guests who just weren't worth the hassle for earnings. We switched to 2 night minimum and saw a major improvement, then we got off instant book and have noticed a big difference in the quality of guests who show up.  

Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

Hi guys,

I have a last minute booking which I couldn't block, so their agressive dog chewed out my couches, now I want to block them for future bookings.


Guess what, after getting help from airbnb support, I realized there is no way to block someone. I took all the steps

in every angle reporting the guest but that "click next to block this guest" option as they stated never shows up. I am unable to block a guest for future bookings.


is it me or not, this blocking option simply doesn't work.

any help?

Its not you. I just called air bnb about a problem guest and they advised me to block them. Via..Messages, \ message profile, choose report, choose a reason, and then choose


BLOCK. Its not there!! Grr.

when you leave review for the guest, you choose to say yes or no to the question if I were to accept with this guest again, if I say No, will this prevent this guest booking with me again?

thank you

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Turk0 

from my experience it won’t. 
if you leave an average of 3* overall and a thumbs down, this apparently will do the trick. Good my luck! 