
Level 2
St. Augustine, FL


I had a guest show up and be very angry saying there was no pool at the time they booked months earlier there were photos of a pool but I had taken it down and took it out of the amenities. They were angry and I was trying to come to a resolution but Airbnb cancel this Stay and made the cancellation from my end and charged me $100 without letting me come to a resolution with the guest. Is there a way to appeal this I think this is very unfair. I am a super host and have not had this problem before and feel like this was very harsh 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Jill299  To be fair, they booked your listing most probably because of the pool.  If you then removed this amenity after they had booked, you should have contacted them to let them know and offered them either a discount for the lack of this amenity or offered to let them cancel with a full refund.

@Jill299   What Kate says is true. If you can show from the Airbnb messenger thread that you discussed the changes in the pool situation with your guests well in advance of their arrival date, and they explicitly agreed to do without this amenity, then that would be grounds to appeal. Otherwise, it comes off as a bait=and-switch scheme even if it was an accidental oversight on your part. Guests are entitled to the amenities that were advertised at the time they book, regardless of what changes are made to the listing afterward.