Changes to Instant Booking: No more 3 penalty free cancelations?

Level 10
Charleston, SC

Changes to Instant Booking: No more 3 penalty free cancelations?

Hi everyone!

Has the IB cancellation policy changed?


Two days ago I wanted to cancel a reservation with one of the three penalty free cancelation but that was no longer an option and I got this new screen instead. The only option for penalty free was if guest indicated they planned to throw a party, or something was broken and needed to be repaired, which would include documentation and still blocking nights off. 

Last time I did this it was a different screen with different options, and host could simply click on "space not suitable for guest" and would cancel and open the nights back up. It also showed how many penalty free cancellations host had left. 

The AirBnb canceleation policy also claims that host using IB can use up to 3 penalty free cancelations that includes space not suitable for guest.

Can anyone else verify if this is a new policy? Perhaps in early stages of rolling out. I didn't see any announcements or recent post. Apologies if this has already been announced or some bug on my listing. 

The good news is that I was able to reach Customer Service, super host number, and customer service rep was excellent, reached out to guest who canceled on their end, (but next day tried to rebook again, and same CS agent took care of that one also) So I turned off IB and have had several bookings with much better communication. 

Just wanted to give fellow host a heads up to check their settings. You can click on cancel guest and if this screen pops up you may not have same option to cancel guest as before.  Also if you click on "Guest wants to cancel" you can send the guest a request for them to cancel. CS told me to do that from now on. 

Anyone else seeing this new screen? 

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! 🙂 

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Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I've always called Airbnb when I've needed to cancel an IB, so I've never seen the options that come up when you do this yourself. Airbnb still count this towards your three penalty free cancellations though and yes, if you have to cancel the same guest twice, even if it's for the same listing and dates (so basically the same booking), they will still count that as two out of three of your penalty free cancellations.


I cancelled an IB once explained to the guest why I was not willing to host him. He just booked again. I cancelled and explained again. He booked a third time. I was not about to waste all three penalty free cancellations on one idiot so managed to persuade him to cancel from his end. Ten minutes later, his girlfriend booked from her account...


Some people really can't take no for an answer 😞

View Top Answer in original post

34 Replies 34
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@John5097  This is concerning. I haven’t had to cancel an IB in recent history (not sure I ever have had to, come to think of it) so I don’t have current experience with it. I wonder what others will have to say…

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What happens when you click 'other' @John5097 ?

@Helen3 the next screen says host will face the usual cancelation penalties.


Level 10
Charleston, SC

@Colleen253 @Helen3 

Update: I just checked again and today I'm getting a different screen with different options. So far I've only canceled one guest, but CS has canceled two on their end and must have included them towards my three penalty free cancelations. 

This is the screen shot from todays cancelation window. Both times I simply clicked on "Cancel Reservation" below the guest profile to the right of the message window. 

I've  also turned off IB over 24 hours ago. 

(BTW I'm not canceling this guest. I was just checking today.) 

Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 2.56.46 PM.png

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@John5097 the website still shows hosts have 3 penalty free cancelations per year did you message or call airbb to see what they say?,

@Mark116  I included the link above to the Airbnb website and also stated that I called Airbnb customer service and explained the situation. 

Did you read my first post? If so can you be more clear about what part you don't understand?  

I'm just sharing my most recent experience. I screen captured both times from two days ago and today. So mine was changed. 


If this has happened to anyone else maybe in process of rolling out changes to some but not all host as has happened in the past.  

Might be something to consider. My experience is that host have to stay on top of ever changing polices. 

If this hasn't happened to anyone else or anyone thinks this isn't relevant to them, no need to post. 

@John5097  Your post doesn't say what Airbnb CS rep said about the 3 free cancellations, whether they still exist or not, you only say that the guest ultimately cancelled.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@John5097  and this guest who you had to cancel, he instant booked or he sent you booking request which you accepted? If latter, it would explain the different screen


I think I figured it out! If host uses Instant Book but requires guest with no reviews to send a request first, and host accepts, the cancellation policy becomes the first screen I posted, with no option to cancel penalty free.  

What happened is that when the guest canceled then rebooked and customer service canceled them again it used one of my penalty free cancelations, the 3rd, because it was a different booking and the guest now had a positive review this time they had picked up after booking the first reservation. 

Sorry I feel like such a dummy! 

I'll have to rethink that again. I liked vetting guest with no reviews but then can't use one of 3 cancellations on them. 

Glad it all worked out for everyone! The only guest I've canceled had already canceled before and acting strange. They had plenty of time and options to rebook else where. I've had over 100 guest cancel on me so far so just trying to get rid of stressful ones sooner, or they will want to change dates the night before, block off more nights, then cancel those again. 

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Although I did check other guest last night and got the same limited cancelation options. I suppose it was just chance that they also had no reviews, but I just randomly picked two guest several months in advance to see if is was the same but they must have also happened to have been first time guest with no reviews so Instant book cancelation didn't apply. 


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@John5097  Don't feel like a dummy- things aren't always evident and Airbnb has so many screens and messaging, it's not that easy to always understand.


As far as "I'll have to rethink that again. I liked vetting guest with no reviews but then can't use one of 3 cancellations on them. "


I've read this comment from other IB hosts before. But the whole thing that hosts who are accustomed to using IB don't seem to understand is that the reason you get the 3 free cancellations with IB bookings is because you don't get a chance to read a guest's reviews or communicate with them before their booking is confirmed. You can set a few requirements, but that doesn't really assure a good fit. So things may come out during subsequent dialogue with the guest that lead to you wanting to cancel.


You shouldn't really need those free cancellations with requests because you have 24 hours in which to read the guest's reviews, converse with them through messaging, feel them out, ask them questions,  and decline if you feel they aren't a good fit.


And if something comes out later after you have accepted a request that makes it evident that the guest is intending to throw a party, or break your other house rules, you can always call Airbnb and ask them to do a neutral cancellation. Not as easy as the 3 free ones with IB, but still possible.


This was my first message to this guest. Back in July! then she waits until the very last day to cancel for full refund and starts asking a bunch of stuff thats all clearly stated in the listing. I could tell she was now trying to find better deals, or 3rd party booking.   

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Honestly Im not sure what else host are supposed to do? It may have more to do with guest who visit cities. 

I always let guest cancel for full refund but don't want them rebooking again. The one before this one canceled and changed dates 3 times. So when its clear they are that inconsiderate, its best to try and weed them out, and just do the best you can. Its something new everyday. 

@John5097  Well, unfortunately, there's little you can do about inconsiderate guests like this. Luckily, I have never had those types.


But your example of the message you sent to her first isn't really the kind of messages I exchange with guests to determine whether they'll be a good fit. I've never used IB, so I'm quite used to messaging with guests, and I tend to be more chatty with them, rather than just conveying necessary info and asking if they have any questions. That way I get more of a sense of them and establish a bit of rapport. 


But I've been lucky in that I seem to get mainly guests who are established Airbnb guests, not clueless newbies. So they generally send informative and friendly first messages, have several good reviews, and don't need much direction or questioning. 




@Sarah977  A lot changed after covid. I had to change my cancellation policy because guest like this would start bargain hunting on the very last day for them to cancel for full refund. I knew exactly how this would play out. She canceled. Booked another place. Learned the listing wasn't accurate and tried to rebook mine again. I think with either one, IB or RTB, that would be challenging.  

I rebooked the nights to an awesome couple. Almost all of my guest are busy and just want quiet clean place, and I'm also very busy. Mine is listed as a private apartment and I'm very upfront about everything. 

Especially with a guest like this I'm very respectful and treat everyone the exact same. But if they don't bother to read the listing, it becomes difficult for host.