Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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Do you guys check on your guests during their stay? (As Airbnb directs us to.)
I kinda worry that asking them how it’s going and if they need anything will open the door for petty complaints or asks for things I don’t want to give/do.
Also, I don’t really want to bother them on their trip.
I message them detailed instructions before check-in and say there that they can reach out with any problems or questions during their stay. But should I also message them the next day to see how it’s going?
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Good thing you reached out - otherwise, wld they have provided the Roof leak info on their own?
@David-and-Annie0 IMO yes, particularly if their stays is 4 days or longer. We ask if we can recommend restaurants or help them with reservations. Our efforts are usually appreciated.
@David-and-Annie0 I try to do it for every guest. I say "just checking in to make sure you're finding everything okay. Let us know if you need anything." I agree with the others here that in those cases where they respond with an issue we have the opportunity to makes something right (for example dead batteries in a tv remote...) rather than having it turn up in a review later. I think it gives a guest the sense that someone is looking out for them. Good luck with your roof!
@David-and-Annie0 I always check in with my guests the morning after arrival. This way I can take care of any small problems before they become an issue. Also, if they say all is well, they won't be able to complain after checking out. You can't fix a something if you aren't told it's broken.
I ALWAYS check in on my guests to make sure they have arrived and asking if they feel at home. I've had noone with petty complaints. They've always been kind and grateful. 🙂
i have this agreement I add to the Other notes they accept before booking. You can take it if you want..
Agreement In consideration of the monies paid by the Guest, the Host permits the Guest to stay in the Property subject to the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is between the Host and Guest only. Airbnb acts solely as the Host's agent, is not a party to this agreement, and has no liability for any breaches of any part of this Agreement by Host or Guest.
Agreement This agreement permits the Guest to stay at the Property and permits the Guest access to the Property through any common areas of any building of which it forms part for the period from the Booking Start Date to the Booking End Date and for any extension we agree. This permission is conditional on prompt payment of a fee and subject to appropriate behavior on your part. Permission can be withdrawn on very limited notice and does not create any form of legal interest in the Property, any building of which it forms part, or other premises. Nothing in this document or any other agreement creates a tenancy in respect of the Property or any other premises and the Guest has no right to exclusive possession of the Property. This Agreement is personal to the individuals named as Guest. It cannot be assigned or transferred to any other party and no other person is authorized to stay at the Property.
Guest Obligations All the obligations under this agreement are those of the Guest or any other person the Guest allows to enter into the Property, whether or not the Host or Airbnb have been notified of that person's attendance. The Guest takes full responsibility for the behavior of any person they have permitted to enter into the Property. No legal rights are granted to the Guest or any other party in respect of the Property, any building of which it forms part, or other premises and the Guest may not represent to any other party that they can transfer or assign any rights or benefits in respect of the Property, any building of which it forms part, or any other premises. All obligations on the Guest in respect of the Property apply equally in relation to any building of which the Property forms part and in relation to any access, parking, or right of way associated with the Property.
Use The Guest agrees to use the Property for residential purposes only and in particular not to operate any form of business from the Property; use the Property for any illegal or immoral purpose; consume or keep illegal drugs at the Property; smoke in the Property; carry out any action that would cause damage or deterioration of the Property; The Guest further agrees to use the Property in a reasonable and responsible manner at all times. The Guest agrees to operate any appliance, fixtures and fittings provided by the Host or by Airbnb on his behalf in accordance with provided instructions and in a reasonable and careful manner. The Guest agrees not to cause excessive noise in the Property. The Guest agrees to use the Property in a manner which does not cause a nuisance to other persons residing in neighboring or nearby buildings and not to obstruct, harass, cause a nuisance to, or inconvenience any person residing, working for or on behalf of the Host or Airbnb, or carrying out their lawful business in the building or immediate area. Any substantiated complaint of a party will result in any visitors to the Property involved in the party being asked to leave and will lead to termination of this agreement .
Prompt reporting for repairs The Guest agrees to promptly report any items within the Property that require repair to the Host or Airbnb. The Guest also agrees to take action as soon as he becomes aware of any problem to minimize its effects and prevent it becoming worse or causing a nuisance to the occupier of any neighboring premises. The Guest agrees to compensate the Host for any losses he might suffer due to damage to the Property, any of its fixtures or fittings, or due to any nuisance or annoyance caused to any occupier of a neighboring premises which occurs as a result of any failure by the Guest to report any required repair to the Host or Airbnb promptly or to take reasonable action to minimize the effects of any issue and prevent the problem becoming more serious. If the Guest does not report a required repair to the Host or Airbnb and it only becomes obvious after the Guest has left the property then the Host shall be entitled to assume that the damage has been caused by the Guest's negligence or carelessness and charge the Guest accordingly.
Access The Host, Airbnb, or any agents or contractors approved by them may enter the Property for any reason at any time without notice. From time to time access will be required by Airbnb, the Host or agents or contractors approved by them to show potential guests and tenants around the property. The Host or Airbnb will always try to enter the Property during normal working hours but they may do so at other times. The Guest agrees not to impede such access in any way at any time. Access may be affected whether or not the Guest is in attendance.
Cooking The Guest will use the cooking facilities provided with reasonable care and according to the manufacturer's instructions and with proper ventilation so as not to cause damage to the Property, building or any fixtures and fitting and so as not to cause fire or smoke alarms to be activated.
Cleaning The Guest will keep the Property clean and tidy and will bear primary responsibility for its condition on his departure.
Condition at End of Agreement At the end or sooner termination of this agreement the Guest agrees to provide vacant possession of the Property, removing all occupants or other persons, all possessions and rubbish from the Property, and leaving the Property and fixtures and fittings in the same good clean condition it was provided at the Booking Start Date subject to an allowance for fair wear and tear.
Compensation for Damage The Guest agrees to compensate the Host for any cleaning or decoration of the Property required, any losses the Host might suffer, or any fees or charges he might have to pay, including compensation to occupiers of neighboring premises caused by the Guest's failure to fulfill any of his obligations in this Agreement. The cost of such damage to be determined at Airbnb’s sole discretion.
Host Obligations Provision of Property, The Host agrees to provide the Guest with accommodation at the Property, Provision of cooking facilities, The Host will provide the Guest with functioning cooking and washing facilities within the Property. The Host will ensure that the Property is cleaned to a reasonable standard and that the Property and all fixtures and fittings are in good repair before the Booking Start Date. The Host will keep in repair and proper working order: The Host is not required to carry out any repair until it has been notified to him or Airbnb. The Host is entitled to a reasonable time to make any repair that is required having regard to its seriousness, the Guest's circumstances, the time of day, any public holidays, and the availability of necessary parts. If the Guest makes a repair or instructs another party to make a repair on his behalf without informing Host reasonable opportunity to repair the item then the Host will not be liable for any costs incurred in making this repair. The Guest will be liable for any defects in material or workmanship which reduces the property below the standard it was in at the start of the Booking. The Host will not be obliged to repair or replace anything that has been damaged or destroyed due to the negligence, carelessness, or misuse of the Guest or of any visitor invited into the Property. If the Guest does not repair any such item The Host will charge the Guest the full cost of that repair or replacement.
Termination The Host may terminate this agreement at any time on 24 hours notice where the Guest is in breach of any part of this Agreement. If the Guest leaves any item behind in the Property at the end or sooner termination of this agreement which is bulky or not easily portable then the Guest shall be liable for an ongoing agreement fee until such time as the Host can remove the property and the Guest shall also be liable for any costs incurred in removing or storing this property. If the Guest leaves any other item behind then he will be liable for any storage costs incurred in storing it and if any item is not claimed within 14 days of the Guest's departure then it shall be deemed abandoned and the Host can sell or dispose of it at his sole discretion retaining any proceeds of any sale to offset his storage and administrative costs.
Utilities The Booking fees are inclusive of all charges levied in respect of the following utilities: Gas, Electricity, Water, TV Licence, Council Tax, and Insurance for any item supplied by the Host. Although the Host will make every effort to ensure the Guest enjoys a peaceful stay, he will not be responsible for any temporary failure or interruption of, services to the Property, including electricity, air conditioning, water or any damage, telephone, broadband, internet and other communications, disruption or noise caused by other individuals in the area, or as a result of repair works being carried out in neighboring premises or in the neighborhood.
@David-and-Annie0 , great advise has come your way from the other hosts. @Emilia42 , @Dawn567 , @Linda-And-Richard0 , @Lisa723 @Sarah977 to name some.
Never back away from the important side of “hosting”. Otherwise we are merely a “letting” individual. Better to know what way a guest is thinking and how you can assist, if they are heading negatively....
Also, it’s always lovely to receive documented dialogue that is positive and in print!
Here’s a possible message. You can personalise it with information specific to the individual or cohort, that has been communicated to you on the Message Board:
@Cathie19 Love your message about "Just checking". Very similar to how I message our guests. And we have the advantage of living right next door to our listing. We meet all guests for check-in and do a walk through of the property, inside and out.
P.S. - I'll be in Darwin in mid September. My first ever trip to Australia.
No, though I think my listing differs from most. It's a small condo (less can go wrong) in a large city. Most of my guests (approximately 70%) only stay for one night. I have a very detailed binder in my home that includes information on every appliance, thermostat, building info, my favourite restaurants nearby, things to see and do, etc.
I figure between the e-mails they get from AirBNB (Your trip is coming up soon!), my check-in instructions when they book, AirBNB reminders to review my home...I don't want to add to the pile. I want to leave them be and let them enjoy their stay. They know how to reach me if needed, and it's never been an issue thus far. 🙂
However you can have your own style of hosting!
There is nothing more annoying to me than a waitress who asks me over and over how my meal is while I am trying to have a conversation with my dinner guest! Therefore, We never bother our guests unless we feel its very important to do so! We make sure our guests have all they need ahead of time but make sure they are aware they can reach us at anytime and we will respond promptly! Its served us well thus far, so that's our policy.
I can relate to that. But there are far too many times when I don't want to bother the waitress because it's not that big of a deal, but I could really use another napkin . . . but she never came back to the table. 😕
I typically check in on guests the day following check in and generally ask if everything is to their satisfaction and if there’s anything they need to reach out to us and provide my phone number again. So far so good, most guests have just been appreciative that I reached out. After this initial checkin, I leave them alone until day of checkout.