Cleaning Service / flip Los Angeles

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Cleaning Service / flip Los Angeles

My amazing house cleaner suddenly went MIA. I'm looking for some recommendations. Please only rec someone you have used and trust.



4 Replies 4
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Chris293 


If you're looking for local recommendations, you might check out a Host Club in your area. You can find the whole list here >>



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Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

@Chris293 Not sure if you're still looking but I know someone great -- just message me and I can connect you. Or if you found someone but you know any other property owners who need a local co-host or cleaner, let me know. They're looking for more of this type of work in LA County.

@Chris293 Sorry to hear about your house cleaner. I’ve had a good experience with The Maid Squad. They’re reliable and trustworthy. Try them out  and the most important thing they have reasonable prices  




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi 😊 @John8412 @Alyssa480 

thank you for your replies. 


Don’t forget to mention the Host by typing @ followed by their name so they will know you’re replying to them.


Warm regards,


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