Copy Cat Host?

Level 2
County Westmeath, Ireland

Copy Cat Host?

First time on here but looking for some support and advice!  


I became a host here on Airbnb in 2019.  We commissioned what is called a shepherd's hut (mini house on wheels) and have let it out.  I work extremely hard at my little business and gained Super host status within a couple of months.  A young couple from approx 25km away from us came to stay in August 2019.  They were very polite and all went well..


This week I was contacted by a friend who while searching for my hut on Airbnb came across by accident another host with a shepherd's hut which she told me was almost identical to mine.  Being curious, I looked it up only to discover it was in fact the same guy who had stayed with me in August last year.  I was horrified to discover that he had in fact built a hut which I would estimate IS literally identical to mine... I mean in every detail even down to a fabric bunting which I had hung on one of the walls.  


They say imitation is the highest form of praise but this is actually bordering on the creepy!  


I messaged this guy through Airbnb and he told me that they had been really impressed with my hut and had decided to build their own.  Despite their efforts they could not improve on what I had done. This is total rubbish as design details which I spent months on researching and putting together were recreated in identical form in his build.  This has been so upsetting for me and after getting in touch with Airbnb was even more disappointed to note that they can't/won't do anything to call out this 'copy cat host'.  


Im just wondering if anyone else out there has had similar experiences and if so, how did you deal with them? This is not about me being afraid of losing business to this imposter, but more about the uniqueness of my property being destroyed by someone too lazy to come up with their own ideas jumping on the backs of those who have done all the work! Thank you (PS - should I avoid naming this individual on here or is this where I should be calling them out?)

Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm afraid, @Bernie92, as lovely as your hut is, it's a template in business terms, and anybody can choose to copy/replicate as they see fit. It isn't just the big brands who suffer this, we're all at risk in some small (or in your case) significant way. 

@Anna9170's words of advice won't help - you cannot claim intellectual property rights on your creation.

Personally, and as hard as it is, I'd move on and just continue what you're doing. Guests will ultimately be the judge on this other property - it's the hosting skills that are harder to copy.  

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10 Replies 10
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

It's a lovely listing. Well done. I don't think you can do anything about people copying you however.  Maybe your location or hospitality is better. And you are only as good as your last good idea. You clearly have good ideas, and they maybe aren't as original. Is there room for both of you in the market? I'd  stay if I could!

Level 10
Santa Cruz la Laguna, Guatemala

"This is not about me being afraid of losing business to this imposter, but more about the uniqueness of my property being destroyed by someone too lazy to come up with their own ideas jumping on the backs of those who have done all the work!"

@Bernie92, I spent a long period in Guatemala and got to know a couple indigenous vendors of handmade goods. Many main streets are lined with vendor stalls overflowing with textiles, it's just an explosion of color, and often the same items repeated everywhere. One of the vendors would complain about how every time she would design a unique new style of clothing with local fabric, it got lots of attention from tourists but only stood out for literally a couple of days, just long enough for the other vendors to copy the design and display theirs! The same thing would happen with the little convenience stores, as soon as one person opened one, another would open one right next door.


The competition was so fierce, but instead of each person having success with their own unique ideas and providing variety to tourists, and fairly competing with each other based on originality, the market would instantly get saturated with copies. No one ever got a leg up and experienced genuine success. However I don't think that will happen to you, thank goodness he's 25km away! 


I can understand how it felt creepy. You welcomed a guest, and there he was going behind your back and taking measurements, photos and notes, all your hard work that was personal and came from your own creative vision. That's an almost intimate invasion. 


You're a superhost with amazing reviews. While his place may look nearly identical as you say it does, your property is unique and your treatment of guests is special -- I love that one of the first reviews mentioned having scones by the stream. I didn't read the listing, but if you felt it would be of benefit, you could put at the beginning of the intro something like "First of its kind in the area, my original design," and maybe also a little blurb about how it came about and what the vision was. Of course, he may just change his listing to do the same, so perhaps ignoring him as if he doesn't exist is the best revenge. Ooh, or if you sketched the design or scrapbooked, you could include photos of that, or make a little scrapbook for yourself and a copy for the cottage, which guests could enjoy. Then whenever you get irritated with him, you can look back at all you did to make your vision come to life and bask in the glow of your personal awesomeness. It's not about him at all. 


Finally, here are two quotes from Epictetus that might bring some comfort and/or perspective:


"This is why I lost my lamp: because a thief was better than I at staying awake. But he bought the lamp at a high price. In return he became a thief, he became untrustworthy...This seemed to him a good bargain!" 


"Is a little oil spilled, a little wine stolen? Say 'this is the price of equanimity, this is the price of peace of mind' - for nothing comes free."


I hope you get some great responses here.

Level 2
County Westmeath, Ireland

Thanks so much Heidi for taking the time to reply and I think you are right, I will just ignore this and keep doing what I've been doing.  Best Wishes to you

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What a lovely post @Anna9170 

Level 10
Lloret de Mar, Spain

@Bernie92  You have a very original and cozy house!
I understand how frustrating it is when you put all your soul, and then someone does a full repetition and thinks it's normal. Maybe you should put watermarks on the photo and indicate in the description that your original project, which you came up with, despite the repetitions. People will understand).

Level 2
County Westmeath, Ireland

Hey Anna,  I really appreciate you taking the time to respond!  It is best just to forget about this other host and continue to do what I've been doing.  I take great pride in looking after our guests so thats what matters. Have a great weekend!


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm afraid, @Bernie92, as lovely as your hut is, it's a template in business terms, and anybody can choose to copy/replicate as they see fit. It isn't just the big brands who suffer this, we're all at risk in some small (or in your case) significant way. 

@Anna9170's words of advice won't help - you cannot claim intellectual property rights on your creation.

Personally, and as hard as it is, I'd move on and just continue what you're doing. Guests will ultimately be the judge on this other property - it's the hosting skills that are harder to copy.  

Level 2
County Westmeath, Ireland

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply and I agree, I will just move on and do things my own way.  Have a great day, Bernie

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Bernie92 This happened in my online jewelry shop.  I have been selling antique vintage and estate jewelry for years. My shop has a unique name and one of my customers asked me about the origin.  I told her the story which involves something my mother used to say.  One day another customer asked me about an item that I didn't have for sale.  Turns out this former customer opened a shop using a very similar name and even paraphrased my story about how it came about. 


My solution was to put "The Original " in my title and apply for a trademark.  Until its approved (and this process id not inexpensive) this copycat shop will keep operating with my name and story.  Its incredibly frustrating and annoying. Luckily they aren't super popular so hopefully it isn't confusing to most customers.  


I would look into trademark options on any part of your design.  Not sure what the laws are like in Ireland but you may have some options to protect intellectual property.  I might also try to do some things to differentiate my listing from the copycat...maybe change paint colors or something reasonably easy. Do NOT allow these people to follow you in social media if you can block them on various platforms.  Just keep offering fantastic service and keep coming up with new ideas. People who have no original thoughts don't tend to succeed in the long run. 


Also, can you respond to any review that this guest may have left? I might say "This guest used his stay so that he could get enough information on our space to build an identical cottage! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we consider ourselves very flattered. We wish this guest the best on his hosting journey, but would have preferred that he was more up front about his intentions during his stay with us. "


ETA-- I found the host culprit. He is charging more per night, got some fancy photos and even copied the scones/bread and jam. He TRULY ripped off your design, color scheme and little details. What a knucklehead. I would be ashamed to be this uncreative. Wow.

Found the other listing. What a jerk. He doesn't have any ratings and you are a Superhost. People won't choose him over you. Your listing is lovely. I bookmarked it.

But - if you want to get him back, we should all go look at it so Airbnb sends him one of those obnoxious emails "200 people looked at your place but booked elsewhere). lol!