Declining guest booking request because the guest does not leave reviews for hosts

Declining guest booking request because the guest does not leave reviews for hosts

Let's say you have IB on but you receive a booking request from a guest who has 5 excellent reviews in a 5 year period, but when you review their profile and click on the properties they've stayed at recently (last week and in the past few months), this guest does not leave reviews for any of the properties they stay at. 


Would you accept/decline based on the guest not leaving reviews for other hosts? 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Paul---Amy0 

I have many guests who don't leave reviews for me (I haven't checked whether they have left reviews for others). Someone recently started their review by saying " I don't usually leave reviews". I think many people may suffer from review fatigue - the more you buy or book online, the more you have to review things all the time. I don't think it's a risk as they have no control over whether you will review them. Hope it helps and hope I'm not talking you into hosting a bad guest!

Level 4
Porto, Portugal

Hello @Paul---Amy0, of course, I accept all guests. I have a great experience with guests who don't leave reviews for the hosts, as well as the guests without reviews from other hosts. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Paul---Amy0 There is no good reason I can think of  for a host to reject a guest just because they do not leave reviews.